Sky Secrets

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Steven thinks aloud as he paces back and forth on the beach in the evening as the stars begin to shine overhead, "Man why am I so energetic today? I gotta burn this off somehow. I can't sit still. Guess I'm just in one of my upbeat moods again."

Steven takes out his phone and lays in the sand, texting Connie, "So you free today?"

"Sorry," Connie replies, "I've got violin lessons, but you do know when we hangout we do have to talk to your mom about your mental instability right?"

"Yeah yeah," Steven responds, "I really do hope she can help. It's kinda fun when I feel good but sucks most of the time."

Steven puts his phone away and ponders aloud, "I just want mom to come home. I haven't heard anything from her."

Steven doesn't know that from the distance, the patio of the house, he's being watched by Sea.

Sea sighs and mutters to herself, "She's not coming home. I'm... sorry..."

Pearl the house and inquired "You worried about him too?"

Sea nods "Yeah. He used to be such a sweet kid. Welcomed me into his family. Loved me as his family, but... he's changed. He's changed so much with Jasper gone."

"When is she coming home?" Pearl asks, "Exactly?"

"Uhhhhh..." Sea replies freezing up, unsure what to say. She looks at Steven and gets an idea, "Why don't we check on Steven?"

Pearl nods in agreement as the duo approach Steven, who greets the duo, "Hey guys!"

Steven runs up and hugs them, "What's up?"

"Oh not much kiddo," Sea explains, "Just wondering how you're doing."

"I'm great!" Steven lies, "How about you guys?"

"Pretty good," Pearl replies, "I've been thinking though."

"Hm?" Sea inquires.

"Yellow Diamond was..." Pearl sighs, "An issue. Do you know how to defend yourself?"

"Jasper taught me a little," Steven explains, "But only barebones stuff since she didn't know about my powers until the last couple of months so, mostly self taught."

"Ah well that won't do," Pearl explains, "Sea wanna help me teach him?"

Sea nods, "Yes it would be wise. Steven? Thoughts?"

"Sounds good," Steven replies, "I haven't spent much time with you guys these last few weeks have I? Sounds good to me!"

The trio warp to the sky arena where Sea and Pearl both state in synch, summoning their weapons, "OK Steven let's start with-"

The two exchange a look.

"I got this I fought in the war," Pearl smiles, "I have more experience than you."

"Please," Sea chuckles, "You couldn't teach Steven to save your Gem. I've known him longer. Besides you served Pink Diamond."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Pearl asks, "I've fought Gems three times my size for the people I love."

"You were reckless and didn't care about yourself," Sea glares back, "And that's the last thing Steven needs."

"Maybe Steven needs to go," Steven shrugs, "You I can see this going bad and... no. I'm out. Not solving this one."

At this point the duo aren't listening as Steven warps away. Pearl exclaims, "So what!?! I won the war didn't I?"

"If you call the core of Earth being a giant graveyard and the corrupted Gems that you called your friends wreaking havoc sure. You couldn't even save Pink Diamond."

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