Project Judgement: A Weapon to Consume False Gods (Midseason Finale)

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Emerald glared at her college, "Excuse me?"

"It will consume the false Gods," a Gem shrouded in shadows explained, "Project Judgement was always the endgame."

"But this is wrong!" Emerald exclaimed, "That... thing... that... festering abomination, you can't do this to them! These are the very people we're trying to avenge!"

"They knew the risks when they volunteered," The Gem explained, "What are you gonna do? Withdraw from the election? It's to late now, the project is to far along."

"But if you keep feeding that thing there's no garuntee we can get them back!" Emerald protested, angered now.

"They were aware of that," the Gem explained, "I respect if you disagree with our methods, you may leave now and be rewarded all the same when we take power. As my friend."

"Keep your rewards," Emerald glared turning away and leaving, "I wouldn't wanna be friends with someone who would make such a monster. A monster like you..."

Speaking of monsters Steven looked at his hand, oversized with large claws as he muttered to himself, in front of the restroom mirror, "White Diamond was wrong. White was lying. I'm not like Pink. I'm not a monster like her."

Steven recalled breaking the tape and shook his head, "I lied because I was scared but everyone's lied at some point in their lives! I'm not like her!"

Steven look at the clawed hand, now glowing Pink and reached to a pair of scissors, "Have to cut these off. It's OK. I can handle this..."

Meanwhile Phoenix sat, looking at polls in her office, a room mostly blue in color with a phone and a clock sitting at her desk. In addition to a pack of gum, a personal thing she enjoyed from time to time since the trial with Jasper when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Phoenix spoke, but her kind and welcoming expression morphed into a glare when she saw Emerald enter.

"I'm resigning from the race," Emerald explained, "But first I need a favor."

"Go on," Phoenix responded, as she offered, "Gum?"

"No thanks," Emerald replied, "I don't eat much aside from the occasional popcorn. Anyways, I know where the rebels are and... I can't support what they're doing. They're... making a weapon. A weapon to surpass the false God that is White Diamond."

"What is it called?" Phoenix inquired, now listening closely.

"They call it Project Judgement:," Emerald sighed, "A Weapon to Consume False Gods. We can't tell anyone else it's... to horrible. We would have riots in the streets. I want you to help me."

"Help you what?" Phoenix asked.

"Help me destory Project Judgement," Emerald explained, "And all I ask in return is the that any of my former crew who are members or the Loyalists be pardoned."

"OK but why now?" Phoenix asked, "Why not when the project started?"

"You have your family," Emerald explained, hatred in her voice, "My crew is mine, and they fed one of my family to that... thing... are you in?"

Phoenix nodded, "Let's prevent Era 4..."

Meanwhile Steven began to exit the house, walking to clear his head only to be stopped by Pearl, "Steven, can we talk?"

"Yeah what's up Pearl?" Steven replied, "Oh hey Sea!"

"First," Sea inquired, "Why are your fingernails bleeding?"

Steven looked down at the nails on his left hand, cut way to short and bleeding, exposed skin burning in the air as he lied, "Oh I just wasn't paying attention don't worry about that."

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