Final Report (Season Three Finale)

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0 days until final report.

Judgement day.

6 hours remain.

Steven sat on the beach outside the temple as Amethyst ate fry bits next to him.

"Want some?" She asked.

"I'll pass I'll just eat when I'm not in a dream," Steven replied.

The dream was once more shared by the duo who sat in silence before Amethyst broke down and asked, "OK so... do you hate me? I know you're mad about the whole... Opal thing."

"Yeah I'm mad," Steven sighed, "But I don't hate you. I could never hate you. I love you as my family. You're my sister Amethyst. Nothing will change that. Don't worry. Frankly I've forgiven you by now."

"Thanks," Amethyst smiled, "I needed to hear that. Um... so... today the day?"

Steven nodded, "Yeah pretty much. Not much has happened really between when you guys showed up and now. Jasper has just been... way eager to spend time with me. Moreso than usual. Almost clingy. I'm worried she's scared. Scared of what could happen."

"I mean who wouldn't be?" Amethyst shrugged, "It's a Diamond! The top dogs in gem society! They're basically space Gods so I've been told."

"I suppose," Steven sighed, "But... I dunno. Seeing mom scared makes me nervous too. You know?"

Amethyst nodded, "Yeah... but... hey, on the plus side, we can hangout in person soon! Won't that be fun?"

Steven smiled, "Yeah. Yeah! You know what? It will! Mom won't be gone forever."

"Exactly!" Amethyst exclaimed, "You got this Ste-man!"

"Thanks," Steven smiled standing up as a ringing echoed across the beach, "Well, I better wake up. See you soon."

"See you bro," Amethyst replied.

Steven woke up and walked outside, he sat on the boardwalk to clear his head as the Sun crest over the ocean blue, calm, as clouds loomed overhead, as if within the eye of the coming storm.

Steven's phone rang with a call from Connie as she answered, "Hey Steven how you holding up?"

"Anxious to say the least," Steven conceded, "Today's the big day and I just..."

"Don't worry," Connie assured him, "Just stick to Jasper's plan and my dad and I will pick you up and get you to Beach City."

"Thanks Connie," Steven smiled.

Steven looked at the grey clouds and sighed, "I'm not OK."

"I can kinda tell," Connie admitted.

"Should I be in therapy?" Steven asked.

Connie replied, "No offense, but yeah you should. I'm no expert but with your severe trust issues and overall rough experiences this last year it makes sense you have issues."

"I just feel..." Steven sighed, "Increasingly unstable. As if something in my mind is going to break. I keep feeling down. I try to be happy but I constantly distrust those around me and it makes it hard to feel happy. I'm usually either sad or anxious. Sometimes I'm just... angry at Rose. I hate Rose. I hate her so much. Worst part is something tells me she's done even more horrid things that we can't possibly know about. Gems live for thousands of years. Who knows what horrid things she did in that time?"

"Steven..." Connie replied, "Are you sure you'll be OK?"

"I can handle one more bad day," Steven sighed, "But any more than that could be to much."

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now