Not Who She Seems

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73 days until Judgement Day.

Miles walked off stage after a speech with a sly grin on her face. She chuckled to herself, "It's all going according to plan."

"Phoenix!" A voice exclaimed.

"Oh what yes?" Miles inquired as she collected herself to see a Ruby holding a screen.

The Ruby explained, "our supporters have some... concerns about the concessions made to the Loyalists."

"How so?" Miles inquired, hiding her aneixty that she is about to be found out.

The Ruby explains, "it's just odd, you're letting them protest outside the Diamonds' estate, haven't commented on the rumors of violence against non loyalists, and so on. Tensions are rising and we need to act or we'll tear ourselves apart!"

"I assure you I have this under control," Miles replied, believing what he said while it does not mean the same think to the Ruby that it does to her.

"What's the plan?" The Ruby inquired, "you've been distant latley. We need to act."

"Uhhh..." Miles replied, "just trust me. I'll handle it."

It's the the Ruby noticed that Miles lacked several parts vital to her facade. Notably...

"Would you like some gum?" The Ruby inquired.

"No I don't eat," Miles explained.

It's then the Ruby knew and spoke with a deathly glare, "Phoenix loves gum... You're not Phoenix..."

Phoenix sighed, "you're to start for your own good."

The Ruby demanded, "where's Phoenix? Where's my friend?"

"Your friend if safe and sound," Miles assured the Ruby, "I wish for a world without any false Gods, and we shall see it made. Forgive me, young Ruby, but you will be freed when this is done!"

Miles charged, revealing her true form as she poofed the Ruby...

The Bubble was put with the others at the Human Zoo. Miles sighed with remorse. She didn't want this. She didn't want to hurt Gems. This wasn't ethics. This wasn't right!

However Miles accepted this as a needed component of the greater good. For the greater good, using good to defend violence and evil, which makes the evil no less evil.

Someone else however, did not. Shorty looked out into the stars with a better scowl on her face. She recalled what happened to Emerald and Phoenix. She thought about how what Project Judgement actually was. Sure it would defeat any false Gods, but at what cost? Thousands of lives lost for some weapon? The more she thought about it the more it haunted her. Shorty sighed and muttered to herself, "are we really the heroes of this story?..."

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