New City, New Friends

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It's a Sunny day in Beach City as Steven looks at the fence guarding the temple.

Today Steven feels good.

Irrationally good. Great even. He feels lively, full of energy. He feels powerful. His appetite has increased immensely as well.

"Man I feel good today," Steven thinks aloud, "So full of energy, but also really hungry. I wonder why that is..."

Steven's stomach growls as he looks to the Big Doughnut down the way and shrugs, "Well I guess I should grab a bite to eat..."

Meanwhile Lars kicks his feet up on the counter as Sadie mops the floor of the Big Doughnut. Sadie sighs and requests, "You know, you could at least pretend to work."

"Relax," Lars smiles, "It's 2pm on a Wednesday. No one's gonna come in here anytime soon."

The bell rings as Steven enters, catching Lars off guard. Sadie however, waves with a smile, "Welcome to the Big Doughnut."

"Oh hey," Steven replies, "Nice day isn't it?"

"For now," Sadie shrugs, "But I heard a storm is brewing. Hey you're... uhhh... what was your name? Greg's kid? Live with those Gems?"

"Steven?" Steven asks.

Sadie snaps her fingers and replies, "Ah! Right! There it is! Yeah, where's Spinel? Pink Gem? Haven't seen her for a week."

"Oh..." Steven replies, "That was a week ago already? Time flies. Yeah we're you not at the concert?"

Sadie shakes her head as Steven explains, "Well long story short she tried to kill me and now she's in what's basically Gem jail? I think? It's hard to explain."

Lars chuckles, "Oh yeah. You and your magic belly button. I remember overhearing, that's from your mom right?"

Steven shrugs maintaining his smile despite knowing full well Lars is making fun of his mom. Steven joins in, "To think she was with so many dudes and couldn't handle one kid."

Lars is confused and asks, "Um... you do realize I'm making... fun of her right?"

"One," Steven explains, "I'm in this really weird good mood out of nowhere. I physically cannot be upset right now. Two, I hate her. A lot. So..."

Lars looks at Steven and asks, "What does that mean?"

"I mean I'm just in a great mood," Steven explains, "And no matter what I think of I can't feel sad or angry at all."

"I think that's a symptom of something," Sadie comments.

"You're being paranoid," Lars shrugs, "He's just having a good day."

"But yeah feel free to make fun of Rose all you want," Steven adds, "Just save your best material for when I'm in earshot eh?"

Lars chuckles, sitting upright now, "You know kid you're alright."

"Anyways," Steven elaborates, "I'll have two chocolate doughnuts."

"I'll get it," Sadie sighs, setting the mod down after Lars tries to make some excuse as to why he can't.

Steven asks Lars, "So... what is there around here?"

"Please," Lars chuckles leaning back, "Aside from Funland we're in the middle of nowhere. If it wasn't for Ocean Town we would be the only city for miles in every direction."

Sadie hands Steven a bag with his doughnuts and Steven pays, "Thanks."

"Have a good one!" Sadie replies.

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