I Love You, But So Did She

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Snow falls from the sky as Spinel and Steven human friends grab pizza at Fish Stew Pizza. Lars glances out the window and comments, "No sign of the gems. Spinel you're good."

Spinel leapt out of Steven's pocket and returned to normal size at the table, grabbing a slice of pizza as Buck inquired, "So Steven how you holding up?"

"Well with you back better,' Steven replied, "But I keep thinking... about Yellow Diamond. She hurt my family. Bad. For years she convinced mom that I was my mom and... that she was to kill me. I love my mom but... that was hard. Then the Crystal Gems lie to me all the time. My mental health is... poor and getting worse and, and Buck is undead which... you good man?"

Buck nodded, "Yeah man. I'm good around here. Let's discuss something else man! You're finally 15 my dude! I can't believe it!"

"And we're now all buddy buddy with someone who tried to kill you," Sourcream added.

"Aw come on," Sadie interjected, "She's been part of our family for two months now! If she was gonna betray us she would've done it already. She's a sweet hearted Gem come on!"

"I'm joking," Sourcream chuckled, "It's all good."

"Hold up sweet hearted?" Spinel inquired, her face a brighter pink than usual.

"Well," Sadie stood up looking at her watch, "I've got next shift at the Big Doughnut. I'll see you guys later."

With that Sadie left and the group was left to further discuss until the end of the day when they parted ways, Spinel shrinking back down and sitting in Steven's hair as the two talked.

"So Spinel," Steven inquired.

"Yeah?" Spinel inquired as she watched the sunset over the ocean blue in a truly dazzling sight as the light reflected off the water, creating a dazzling gleam that filled one's sight with a calming brilliance.

"You don't see Sadie as family do you?" Steven inquired.

"What!?!" Spinel demanded, "Of course I care about her! She's great just like the rest of the humans!"

"Yeah but you don't care about her in the same way do you?" Steven asked, "I noticed you blushing Spinel. Come on, you can tell me at least."

"Say I do," Spinel replied, her face that deeper pink once more, "You gonna tell her?"

"No but you should," Steven explained, "Even if she rejects you you'll be better off having it off your chest."

"Like with you Connie?" Spinel joked.

"Shut up," Steven chuckled.

Spinel playfully stuck her tounge out as the duo laughed. Steven added, "Come on what's the worst that could happen?"

"I..." Spinel froze up before she replied, "Fine but nothing will happen..."

The next day Spinel stopped at the Big Doughnut to greet Sadie who was working with Lars.

"Don't you need to be studying for culinary class?" Sadie asked.

Lars explained with a chuckle, "Hey I gotta make up for screwing you over for so long around here. I mean, Buck's... whole situation got me thinking. That could've been me. I could've been the one turning pink and imagine if I died tomorrow. I wouldn't be remembered as a good friend to you."

"You don't have to make anything up to me," Sadie smiled, "It's fine."

"Nah I'll take over," Lars assured her, "You take the day off. I'll cook the books so corporate thinks you were here."

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now