The Great Escape

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258 days until final report.

"Talk!" Holly Blue demands, "why won't you talk?"

Sapphire ignores Holly, she keeps looking through futures, looking for some way to escape. In every future she sees though, Ruby is shattered if she doesn't talk. If she does though...

Sapphire views numerous possibilities where she does talk. In one of them, she sees potential escape. All she has to do is claim that she knows where Rose is quietly so that Holly leans in to hear. She has to do this while Ruby is present, fuse, and break out the others as Garnet.

"I'll never talk," Sapphire replies, "you can't break me."

"Oh," Holly smiles, "I can. Watch this."

Holly snaps her fingers; a quartz soldier hands her a red gem. Ruby.

She begins to crush Ruby in her hand.

"OK," Sapphire speaks quietly, "I'll talk. I'll talk. Rose is..."

Sapphire intentionally mumbles.

"She's what?" Holly asks.

"She's..." Sapphire mumbles once more.

"Speak up!" Holly tells leaning in.

"I said," Sapphire explains, "she's none of your business."

Sapphire hits Holly with her head and causing her to drop her whip. Dropping the whip causes a chain reaction involving a quartz soldier, a short circut, and a door that breaks the restraints holding Sapphire. Sapphire picks up Ruby's gem.

"Come on!" She yells, "reform!"

Ruby begins to take form again.

"I'm here," Ruby hugs Sapphire, "don't worry. She won't hurt you again."

Sapphire hugs Ruby back, causing them to fuse.

Garnet summons her gauntlets and poofs Holly Blue. The quartz soldier tries to flee but Garnet stops her and poofs her as well.

Garnet uses her future vision to locate Pearl and Amethyst. They're in holding cells on the floor below, but chances are quartz soldiers are already on their way down the hall. Garnet slams her fists into the ground, shattering the floor, and placing her right in front of the containment cells.

Garnet shatters the control panel, bringing down the odd walls of yellow light that keep gems from getting in or out.

"We're breaking out!" Garnet exclaims, "let's go!"

The trio flee.

"Which way?" Pearl asks.

Garnet uses her future vision. She sees only one good outcome, in which they steal a ruby ship and head to Ocean Town, where Steven is in every future.

"Follow me," Garnet demands.

The trio dash towards the hanger, only to be stopped by countless soldiers in the huge room.

"Guys," Garnet explains, "there's only one way to handle this."

Pearl and Amethyst nod in acknowledgement and prepare to use. Apon fusing, most of the soldiers flee apon seeing Alexandrite. Those that stay are easily poofed with use of wrecking ball, hammer, and bow alike. When all is said and done, the Alexandrite unfuses and the trip steal a ship and head towards Ocean Town.

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