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"Buck?" A voice asked as someone knocked on the door to the pitch black room, "You in there?"

The door creaked open, and a figure entered as they explained "Hey I'm turning on the light."

The light flickered on to reveal Buck sitting in front of a small screen where he played some old JRPG called Last Fantasy.

"Hey Buck," Lars greeted as he approached the pink teen, "You holding up OK?"

"Yeah," Buck lied, "Just minding my own business."

"You sure man?" Lars inquired, "You died. That had to be pretty traumatic."

Buck paused the game and stood up, "It's not dying that upset me. It was coming back."

"What?" Lars askes.

Buck sighed, annoyed, "Let's go for a walk."

The duo exited Buck's home to see that it was a cold and rainy day in Beach City as an intense storm blew in from the ocean. Buck and Lars sat under an overhang that shielded them from the rain outside as winds blew the rain away from them at a near 30° angle.

Buck sighed, "I died man. Do you know what it's like? To die? To have your soul leave your body, or was my dying brain just making stuff up? I can't know for certain, but I think there's an afterlife so I'm assuming soul. I saw my mom man. Do you understand that?"

"Your mom is..." Lars asked.

Buck exclaimed stomping out into the rain, "But that's not it man! I didn't wanna die! I just... I don't want to live so much longer than everyone I love! Everyone I love is going to die and go to Heaven or Hell, probably Heaven, or even cease to be long before I do! Because of this pink curse I'm going to lose everyone and be alone for hundreds of years! Do you know what that's life? I didn't wanna die, Lars, but I didn't wanna live this long."

Lars yelled, enraged, grabbing Buck by the shirt collar as he stepped out into the rain with him, "So what? You're gonna lose everyone so you cut ties!?! What backwards logic is that!?! You have every right to be mad at your situation! You have every right darn it, but Steven didn't mean to do this! Steven never meant to hurt you! If we're gonna be gone treasure us while we're here rather than cutting yourself off from us! We miss you darn it! We care about you! You can be mad at your situation fine! But you have no right to be mad at Steven! You have no right to stop talking to every one while we're still alive! Besides, if there is an afterlife, doesn't this just mean when you get there you'll have more friends there!?! If you live so long you're gonna have tons more friends in the afterlife! So treasure those you have and make new ones along the way!"

Lars took a deep breath and sighed, "Sorry I..."

"No," Buck shook his head, "No. You're right Lars."

Buck smiled and looked into the sky, "Steven did nothing wrong. Sure, I am upset at my... condition, but at least I'm not immortal. Now it's been two weeks..."

Buck adjusted his shades and added, "Maybe it's about time his big bro goes to visit..."

Steven sat in his room, playing a board game with Spinel. There was a knock on the door and Lars exclaimed, "Hey Steven you around?"

The duo entered, Steven and Spinel froze.

Spinel dropped the dice as Buck stood confused, "Wait. Wait. Didn't she try to kill you?"

Steven nodded, "Yes."

"And you're playing a board game with her?" Lars inquired.

Steven replied, "Ummmm... yes. She was... working with misinformation. Just... can you guys keep this secret from the Gems?"

"They don't know?" Lars asked.

Spinel explained, "Well... they've lied to Steven... a lot and... He doesn't trust them anymore. I'm Spinel by the way. Nice to meet you!"

Spinel shook the hands of the two humans as Buck turned to Steven and explained, "Look, I... am sorry. I lashed out at you for something you didn't even mean to do and... I'm sorry for that."

Steven hugged Buck suddenly and replied, "I'm just glad you didn't leave me. Like mom did..."

"Still no world on Jasper?" Lars asked.

"I'm starting to think she hated me," Steven sighed, "But at least you don't."

Buck hugged him back and replied, "That's what family does bro..."

Lars asked, "So... Spinel is cool then? Like, but... Don't tell any of the Gems?"

"We would appreciate that yes," Spinel replied.

"Cool," Buck replied, "Well Steven, let's hang out sometimes. Bring your friend here too."

Buck high fived Spinel as he left and smiled, "I'm sure she would love some new friends."

Spinel smiled ecstaticly at this prospect as the duo left.

Spinel spoke, "So... They seem fun. Let's hand out with them some time."

"Spinel we gotta be more careful," Steven sighed, "If that was Pearl..."

"Oh relax!" Spinel chuckled, "Jasper is gonna come home and she can help introduce me! She can make up some crap about knowing me. It'll all be fine when she gets home..."

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now