AU Idea: Steven Raised By Diamomds

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Shoutout to @FoxFang5 for helping me come up with this idea and being so far a pretty cool dude. She suggested this AU to me and asked "what would I do with this premise" and this is what I came up with. Go follow her I think he has potential or is, at the very least, kind and fun to talk to. Just testing the waters for this concept for now, seeing thoughts on it.

Epsiode/Chapter One: Expositional Dialogue between White and Blue explaining that in this AU Rose decided that Steven shouldn't have to lie so his Gem looks link Pink Diamond. The Red Eye arrived early, just after Steven's birth and they sent Jasper to receive "pink diamond".

Episode Two: Show Steven as a child, growing up in the human zoo. Blue Diamond expresses confusion to her Pearl about why Steven has to eat the Pearl is just as confused. Show Steven believing that there are no other humans.

Episode Three: Steven is ten, and Yellow teaches him to shatter a rouge Gem. The scene has a very dark and borderline abusive tone, but reveal that Yellow didn't want to do this buy only did so out of fear of White.

Episode Four: Steven is 14 and is friends with Yellow Pearl who is kinda a snooty big sister. Demonstrate this dynamic and end on a cliff hanger about Peridot going to Earth.

Episode Five: Steven becomes curious about Earth, thinking it was only the Zoo and Gems as the only life in the universe until this point. He talks to Blue about this. Blue is best mom.

Episode Six: Yellow has a panic attack over her fear of White and how she worries about how she is treating Steven because White orders her to do so. Blue has to assure her it's not her fault and that White is to blame.

Episode Seven: Steven meets Peridot and learns Yellow wants to destory the Earth as vengeance for "taking Pink's memories away." Steven wants to go to Earth.

Episode Eight: Steven befriends Peridot and introduces her to the Diamonds. Cue sly comments such as "why as a Peridot as your companion when we have the finest Pearls!?!"

Steven protests, "Its not like that!"

Episode Nine: Steven convinces the Diamonds to let him go with Peridot. Yellow Pearl is sent by Yellow to protect him.

Episode Ten: Jasper is set in charge of the mission and they head to beach city.

End of season one.

Leave on cliffhanger

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora