Homeworld Hero

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Jasper sweats as Yellow Diamond questions her with a wide smile, "So tell me Jasper, did Rose suffer?"

"Like the coward she was," Jasper lies with a fake smile, "She screamed as I crushed her head, poofing her to then finish the job. How pretty the shards were in the sunlight of the Earth. Truly a-"

Jasper realizes her mistake and corrects herself, "A uhhhhh... wretched planet which only held beauty in the death of the tratior."

Yellow Diamond claps happily, "Oh yes. Makes me smile every time. You're dismissed to your chambers Jasper."

Jasper nods and walks away, a patch of corruption spreads up her arm as he shakes her head and mutters to herself, hiding it under a cloak she brought from Earth, "Keep it together Jasper..."

Jasper is cheered by other Quartz as she walks down the halls of Yellow Diamond's court. A pearl offers her, "Jasper, slayer of Rose, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing I'm content as is," Jasper explains pulling her brown, scratchy cloak over her arm, "I will be in my quarters."

"Hey Jasper!" A tall amethyst inquires as she wraps an arm around the gem, "We're just headed out on a mission to squash some giant bugs! Wanna tag along? I'm sure Yellow Diamond won't mind and the way they splatter is-"

Jasper offers a death stare which causes the Amethyst to back off, chuckling nervously, "Hey take it you're not in the mood. Must be hard thinking of Rose like that so I'll uhhh... cya later."

The Amethyst quickly walks away to go join others as the three discuss and exit. Jasper enters her quarters, which are extravagant for a Quartz solider, with a small hot tub, a decor mostly orange in color to match her uncorrupt appearance, and a second floor as well. She walks over to the massive window in the back which overlooks the court of Yellow Diamond and sighs after looking at the Pearls and Peridots and so on bustling about.

She slams her fist into a wall, "Curse it all! Can't they see all life is valuable!?! Steven taught me that. Steven..."

Jasper's eyes grow wide with horror as she hyperventilates, the realization sending her into a downward spiral, "She's gonna kill Steven. She's gonna find out and she's gonna kill him! Yellow is gonna take Steven away from me just like Rose took Pink away from me! She-"

All the while, Holy Blue Agate and Aquamarine silently argue about how to capture Jasper, hiding behind the drapes of the window.

Aquamarine points at Jasper and pounds her fist in her plam, to which Holy Blue Agate, or, Holly, shakes her head and runs her finger across her neck. Aquamarine shakes her head and takes out her wand, to which both smile and sneak up on Jasper. Jasper is unprepared when she is stolen frozen and poofed by a smug Holly who exclaims, "This is payback for the Zoo you accursed Quartz!"

The two gems contemplate the situation as they examine the poofed gem. Holly inquires, "So what now?"

Aquamarine replies, "We have our orders Holly. Bring her back and wait for her to reform. Could be a while though. The coloration of her gem looks a little off..."

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