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Steven strums Greg's guitar as Greg hoses down a car at his carwash. It's a Sunny day but Steven can't help but feel down.

"Hey Stew-ball," Greg inquires, "Why haven't you been spending time with the Gems?"

Steven shrugs, "I don't know I just... feel... isolated? Like I can't really tell then anything. I've been developing new powers left and right and... they're my family and I love them but... I can't seem to trust them."

Steven turns away and sighs, "And you seem like a cool person but... I just have issues trusting you given the person Rose was. Just... how could you be with someone so evil?"

Greg sits next to Steven with a sign, "Steven... evil may be a strong word for it but I don't all the facts. When I met your mom she was so full of life and kind and... I don't know. Maybe she was evil. Let's assume that. I never knew. Sometimes people get stuck with people who hold malice cause the malicious one manipulates them. That doesn't apply per say but she was withholding any info of murder."

"Ah Mr. Universe!" A voice exclaims as a sleazy looking man in a blue suit approaches, brushing back what little hair remains on his balding head, "How goes the business?"

"You're not welcome here Dewey," Greg replies, "Unless you're here for a wash."

"That's Mayor Dewey to you Universe," Dewey glares back, "My offer stands and I advise you to take it. It would be a shame if there was an accident that damaged your property..."

"Is that a threat?" Steven hisses, glowing pink.

"Greg get your... thing to calm down," Mayor Dewey elaborates, "It's a wonder he isn't feral, raised by those magic space beasts."

"Have you only seen corrupted gems?" Steven demanded, "I don't think we want anything you're offering."

Greg took a deep breath, "Dewey, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. You've insulted my son, and you've insulted me."

"Your loss Universe," Dewey chuckles as he walks away.

Steven takes a deep breath and calls himself down, the glowing stops as he mutters, "I swear it's Ocean Town all over again..."

Steven sighed, "I need to clear my head. I'm gonna go for a walk."

Steven walked away, pacing in the sand on the beach, muttering to himself, "How dare he... compare me to scum like Rose and Yellow... what kinda of worthless slimeball..."

"Yo Steven," A voice greeted the young man, "Buddy, what's on your mind?"

Steven turned to see Buck, with his usual coolness offering a compassionate nod, "You wanna talk about it?"

Steven nodded, "Sure. Thanks man I appreciate it."

"What are friends for?" Buck responded, his hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his face, "What's bugging you?"

"So I'm at the car wash hanging with Greg," Steven explained, "And this... slimeball of a middle aged prick walks up and starts bombarding me and Greg with insults. Compared me to beasts. To filth like Rose and some sort of evil Space God named Yellow Diamond who turned the core of the Earth into a mass grave! That scumbag. How in the world did filth like him ever get elected!?!"

"Um..." Buck commented.

"And he thinks better than me!" Steven added glowing pink, "Better than us! We are good people! We help those around us! We care about those around us! That worthless sack of crap! He-"

"Steven," Buck interjected.

"What!?!" Steven demanded, stomping his foot, sending sand soaring into the air which rains back down on him, forcing Steven to brush it out of his hair.

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now