Momswap Future Anime OP Two: Here Comes Judgement Day

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Song: Here Comes Judgement Day

Based On: Bye Bye Yesterday  (Assassination Classroom)

(Open on a blank screen for the first moment, no instrumentals. Only Skin's voice, speaking solemnly.)

Skins: Steven... I'm sorry...

(Cut to a view over Ocean Town which slowly morphs into Beach City as opaque images of many scenes from throughout the first 5 seasons play before stopping on the logo as the lyrics kick in.)

After years of lies and drama.
This story is nearing its end.

(Show a scene of the original Momswap Gems, Lapis, Peridot, and Jasper, at the start of the series and then present day.)

As it continues to diverge,
From the story already told.

(Cut to a scene of the Crystal Gems in the original show which shifts to and from their versions from Momswap. Both appear happy, as if their character arcs are complete but their designs differ due to poofing a diffrent number of times.)

And now we are nearing an end,
Of all the events that have transpired.
And this end this may,
Something unexpected.

(Show a scene of Steven and Pink Diamond standing back to back.)

And as the son of a Diamond,
Looks to the future he's haunted by his past.

(Cut to a scene of Spinel, then Steven, and finally Blue and Yellow Diamond running form Judgement, who is not shown in full form, only glimpses of it.)

Here Comes Judgement Day!
The end of years of lies and trauma!

An ending to this saga,
And the lies and truths therein!

Here Comes Judgement Day!
The day when it all comes to a close!
Will the ending be happy,
Or will it end in tragedy?

(Cut to a final scene of Steven standing with the whole cast, excluding White Diamond. He looks back at them with a nostalgic smile, waves, and walks away...)

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