The Human Girl With Glasses

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176 days until final report.

It's been a while since the incident with Bismuth, and not much has happened since. Bismuth's words still haunt Steven. He can't shake this uneasy feeling the gems are hiding something. Something maybe related to Rose.

He sits on a bench on the boardwalk, looking out at the sea. It's a beautiful day, the sun shines, the water sparkles, the cool sea breeze gently brushes Steven's face. Steven sighs. As much as he loves the gems, his family, he wishes he had other friends.

He wishes he could fit in in Ocean Town, but the townspeople hate him, they view him as a freak, a leech, a burden, as he stays with the gems and gets what he wants as was the deal. He doesn't have to pay for food or anything of the like. They view him as a stain, not a person.

Steven decides to go down to the beach, to clear his head. He paces up and down the white, pure sand, the beach is mostly empty today, just himself, and a young lass reading a book who he assumes isn't interetsed in talking to some freak.

The young lass takes off her glasses to clean them, looking up just long enough to see Steven. She notices the unease in his face, and decides to say something.

"Hello," she greets.

Steven is completely caught off guard by this. He isn't sure how to respond. He decides to go in the defensive.

"If you have something to say about my gem," he sighs, "say it. Go on, I know I'm a freak."

"Gem?" The girl asks, "what are you talking about?"

"You're not from Ocean Town are you?" Steven asks.

"Nah," the girl replies, "my parents just had some work here."

"Well then," Steven smiles, she doesn't hate him... yet. He knows he won't be long before she learns he's a freak, but he may as well enjoy this while it lasts.

"My name's Steven," Steven continues, "what's yours?"

"My name's Connie," the girl replies, "you live here?"

"Yeah," Steven replies, "for as long as I can remember."

"Did you see that monster attack a few years ago?" Connie asks, "I heard about it, but I've never heard what it was like from a witness."

"Yeah," Steven replies, "I was there when it happened."

"What was it like?" Connie asks.

"Well," Steven replies, "kinda scary, not gonna lie. I managed to help the gems defeat it."

"You know the gems?" Connie asks, now excited.

Steven realizes his slip up. He sighs, this short lived friendship is already over.

"You hate me too," Steven asks, "don't you? Like the others?"

"Why would I hate you?" Connie asks.

"Cause..." Steven hesiates, he sighs, he lifts his shirt, revealing his gem, "I'm half gem, half human. Everyone here, they call me things like gem kid, freak, you know, stuff like that. Now you know the truth."

"Steven," Connie replies getting up, "I don't hate you. I've always been interested in the gems, curious about them. Can I meet them?"

"Well," Steven replies, "not right now. A corrupted gem, like the one they fought a few years back was spotted near town. They're out trying to find it."

"Oh," Connie replies, "well, what are they like?"

"They're great," Steven replies, "they're like family to me. They did raise me after all."

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