Epilouge Part Three: Half Breeds Cross Paths

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It's been over six months since then.  Well over, but by how much exactly is hard to say.

But what is easy to say is that therapy is going well for Steven. As he leaves his session down in Echo Creek he talks on the phone with Lapis, "Yes mom I'm eating my greens."

"Yeah remember to eat enough fruit too and stay hydrated," Lapis adds, "Water is very important for you humans."

"Yeah it is," Steven replies with a soft chuckle, "Anyways I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you too kiddo," Lapis replies, "And don't forget to call Jasper later too. You know she gets antsy when she doesn't hear from you."

"Yeah yeah," Steven replies, "I'll he sure to do so. Talk to you later. Live you."

"Love you too," Lapis responds happily before hanging up.

Steven takes a deep breath and continues walking down the street, thinking about every thing, in his own head one could say.

Echo Creek.

To some that may sound familiar.

That is because in this town another story has occured. A story of a princess stopping a tyrant. Of self identity and monarchy.

Steven bumps into another, who was of said story. A young woman by now, a woman with grey skin and white hair. Green eyes, a black dress, and those signature hearts on her cheeks

She was named Star at some point.

But herbname, much like Steven's true name being Steven Beta Universe, hers...

Is not Star, but Comet.

"Comet," the girl replies, "Comet Butterfly. You are?'

"Steven," Steven replies as Comet helps him to his feet, "Steven Beta Universe."

"Steven?" Comet inquires, "Where have I heard that name? Oh! You fought that space God! Right?"

"The Diamonds are demigods at best," Steven chuckles, "But are you the Comet? The Mewmen turned monster who killed Moon? The genocidal tyrant?"

"It was kill or be killed OK?" Comet sighs looking away in shame, "I know what I did and if you're gonna label me a murderer go ahead."

"Why would I judge you for something like that?" Steven inquires, "Yes murder is wrong but killing in self defense is fine. You don't judge a solider for killing to survive in war. If you mean in a religious sense, then I'm agnostic but if I may play Devil's advocate, or I guess angel's advocate."

"I mean sure go ahead," Comet nods.

"Doesn't David kill Goliath on the Bible?" Steven inquires, "If God didn't care then then even by the Bible wouldn't you be fine?"

Comet thinks for a moment, contemplating this line of thought before nodding, "Yeah. Yeah that tracks. Thanks Steven."

"No problem," Steven replies with a smile.

"Oh by the way," Comet replies, "You read that new novel that came out? Sights Set on Perfection?"

"Oh isn't that about the tragedy about the guy who lost everything and then lost himself trying to make a perfect world or something?" Steven replies, "Very interesting story. Kinda shocked the author of it brought in old characters."

"Well he introduced the villains of Sights Set on Perfection way back in an epilouge for his second novel and had him be a minor character in the third so I wasn't shocked." Comet replies, "Anyways, it's getting made into a show. My boyfriend Marco and I are hosting a watch party for the premiere. Wanna come over? You seem cool so..."

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