Trust Me, Cause I Trust You

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52 days until judgement day.

Steven sat on the beach, skipping stones across the waves. He thinks about the lies. All the lies. Who can he trust? White Diamond? Is that all he has left? White always lies, but what if that's a lie to? Which one is true, or are both lies? Sure he loves his family but have they ever actually been honest? Is anyone honest?

Steven's heart begins to pound as his mind races with these questions. His arm massively grows and contorts, sending a shooting pain through his body. He takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, not noticing as Spinel and Connie approaching him. Connie speaks up first, "hey Steven?"

Steven jumps out of his skin, glowing pink before calming himself, "oh. Hey Connie? What's up?"

"I'm going to open with the fact I didn't lie!" Spinel exclaims.

Steven sighs, realizing what Spinel did, "so guess I have to think about if people are lying via phrasing now is that it? How deep does this rabbit hole go?"

"What?" Connie asks.

Steven ignores her and glares at Spinel, "you're just deceitful like everyone else aren't you?"

"Hey it's not my fault you need help," Spinel replies, "I'm sorry but you're not OK!"

Steven sighs, "no. No. You're... You're right."

Steven sits in the sands, looking out at the ocean. He's to exhausted to hide it anymore. To tired of the paranoia and distrust, from the stress and feeling distant from his family due to it to hide it any longer.

Steven's harm glows pink as he summons his shield. Connie requests, "Spinel? Could we have a moment?"

Spinel nods and walks away. Steven sighs as he examines the shield, "look at my shield. This shield I've used to protect the ones I love. This pink glow, a power inherited from Pink I've made my own to protect the ones I love. My power not that I was born with but want I've forged as Steven Beta Universe. I have all this power and yet I don't have the power to make myself trust others. I don't have the power to be close to the ones I love."

"Do you trust anyone?" Connie inquired, concern in her eyes.

"Not really," Steven sighed as he explains, "and I consider going to therapy but my therapist might lie to."

"OK Steven," Connie replied, "do you trust me?"

Steven froze and tried to think. Could he trust her? Connie had always been honest with her but...

"Do you trust me?" Steven inquired.

"Yes I do," Connie replied, "and you can trust me. Steven, I'm worried about you. You need mental help."

Steven nodded, "but how do I know my therapist won't lie to?"

"I have heard of this specialist in super natrual related trauma," Connie explains, "problem is they live pretty far away. Just, can you give them a call?"

Steven sighs, "I'll try. Thanks Connie, I... I needed this."

Connie hugs Steven as the two watch the waves, kissing his cheek before stating with a smile, "I love you, Steven. Romantically."

Steven feels at ease with the warmth of Connie's arm around his torso, he finds himself calmed as began to feel the ease of trust.

However, his mental health despite this moment, is still on the brink, and one more betrayl will push him over...

A betrayl coming in 52 days...

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