Future Vision

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Steven walks down the boardwalk of Beach City, the sky partly cloudy with an on and off drizzle of rain and general uncertainty wether rain or sunlight will soon overtake the town, but clouds black as night are quickly approaching the city...

Steven today feels... depressed. He's slowly beginning to wonder about his instability in mood as he thinks aloud, "Man I haven't eaten today at all and it's almost one in the afternoon. I'm just... not hungry. What's up with that? Man my mood is all over the place and I don't know why. It also makes my appetite fluctuate a lot and it's starting to worry me..."

Steven then trips and falls face first into the boardwalk only to be caught by Garnet who calmly states, "Be careful now."

"Thanks," Steven replies as Garnet puts him down.

"Yeah future vision told me there would be trouble," Garnet explains, "Mind if I tag along today?"

"Sure?" Steven replies, "I guess?"

Steven continues walking, now with Garnet by his side. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his head as he tenses up, unsure what to say. Garnet stops suddenly and turns towards Fish Stew Pizza.

"Garnet?" Steven asks.

Garnet walks into the pizza shop and, a few moments later, exits with two pizzas.

"Oh thanks," Steven replies, "But I'm not really hungry right-"

"They'll still be warm," Garnet assures him as she adjusts her shades, "Come on."

Steven and Garnet keep walking as Steven remains tense, unsure what to say. He then gets an idea and asks, "When does mom come home?"

"What?" Garnet asks.

"Jasper," Steven explains, "When does she come home? To Earth?"

"There's to many futures to say anything concrete," Garnet sighs, "I'm sorry."

Garnet adjusts her shades and looks at various futures before shaking her head. She stares off into space for a moment, deep in thought.

"You OK?" Steven asks.

Garnet snaps back to reality and replies, "Oh yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Watch your head."

"What?" Steven asks as clouds suddenly rush in and hail pours form the sky, Garnet shape shifts her hand to form an umbrella over Steven and points to an open garage nearby, "In there."

Steven and Garnet rush to shelter as the storm suddenly intensifies. Steven looks around, finding the garage full of paintings that he examines curiously until he spots one of Rose and asks, "Who's house is this?..."

"I'm gonna go grab lunch for everyone," a voice from inside explains, "Onion wants extra cheese right?"

The door to the garage from inside the house opens to reveal Sourcream who sees the intense storm of thunder, rain, and hail and turns to Garnet who hands him the pizzas and explains, "Onion is in the mood for mushrooms today."

"Oh you're one of those Gems aren't you?" Sourcream asks removing his headphones, "Hey mom! Some buddies of mine brought some pizza! I'm letting them in cause of the storm!"

"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" A voice calls back, "I'll set the table! How many plates?"

"Just one," Steven explains, "Only half Gems have to eat."

Sourcream nods and welcomes the two into his house where he introduces Steven to his mother and step brother, "Mom, Onion, this is Steven."

"Oh my God!" Vidalia exclaims walking over to Steven, "You've grown so much since I last saw you with Greg! Man it's been over a decade! Sourcream mentioned you a few days ago. You've grown up to be a really sweet kid haven't you?"

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