Decay Part Two: Trial

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Jasper reformed in a cell, her left arm now even more green with red spots.

"This can't be good..." Jasper muttered to herself.

The completely white room felt cold and uncaring to her as she sat and wondered aloud, "Where have I reformed this time?..."

A door opened and what entered was a Blue Zircon who looked at holographic screens and muttered, "Curse it all! It doesn't... why..."

"Um..." Jasper asked, "Care to explain my charges?"

Blue Zircon turned nervously but collected herself and nodded, "Yes yes. Um... well... you... are being charged with murder, but... not of a Gem. A human. I don't fully understand it but Blue Diamond is quite upset about it. In addition you are being charged with treason against Blue Diamond at the Human Zoo."

Jasper asked, "What about Shorty and Skinny?"

"They will be charged as-" Blue Zircon began to explain.

Corruption grew up her arm as she cried out, "No!"

Jasper slammed her fist into the wall which sent cracks spreading from the point of impact, the corruption now up to her elbow as she growled, "Law 27.1, subsection B. I invoke that ruling!"

"27.1?" Blue Zircon asked, checking some documents, "Lemme... oh."

"The law states that should a Gem be the ring leader of a small uprising they may face execution in exchange for their comrades being merely sent to rehabilitation rather than death. Is this correct?"

Blue Zircon nodded, "Yes but are you going to face death for some deformed-"

Jasper hissed, "They're from Beta Kindergarten, they were some of my closest friends, nay, my family, during the war, and I still love them as such. I refuse to face trial unless it invokes law 27.1!"

"Oh God you had just to make it worse," Blue Zircon muttered, sweating profusely, "As soon as that door opens-"

The door opened and Jasper entered the court room where a Zircon of a teal color stood opposing Blue Zircon and Jasper.

"My client has invoked law 27.1," Blue Zircon explained, "As such if found guilty of any charge Jasper will be executed."

Teal Zircon smirked, "Not the brightest is she?"

"Persecution," a voice ordered from the shadows in a blue robe, "You may begin."

Blue Diamond revealed herself, appearing from the darkness as she glared at Jasper.

"Charge number one, treason at the Human Zoo, attacking Homeworld Gems," Teal Zircon explained with a smug grin, "You can't defend this footage, can you?"

Teal Zircon showed on a massive screen which played a recording of Jasper fighting Holly and Aquamarine.

"Objection!" Blue Zircon exclaimed, "Jasper is also the one who stopped the Rose Quartz!"

"An action done only in self preservation!" Teal Zircon exclaimed.

Blue Zircon tensed up and stuttered, "I-"

"I believe that this is irrefutable," Teal Zircon smirked.

"I am afraid so," Blue Diamond sighed, "Take her away. Guilty."

"I followed ordered!" Jasper screamed as she was grabbed by two Quartz guards.

"What?" Blue Zircon asked.

"I followed my mission! To get info on Steven!" Jasper screamed, "I did nothing wrong?"

"Hold it!" Blue Zircon exclaimed.

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