Chapter 33

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  • Dedicated to Amreen <3 RIP


My evilness is one day too late as Halloween was yesterday but HEY HO! I'm snacking on all the candy that was no eaten yesterday! Except I can't get this wrapper off this lolly pop and I'm really comfy and I don't wanna get up and it's like INTERNAL BATTLE!

But any who, that is the sadness of my life ;) OMG HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD LITTLE THINGS! Isn't it the most beautiful thing in the whole world of beautiful things??? If a boy said/sang that to me, I would be happiest little bunny in the world!

On a serious note, a girl in my year died yesterday of leukaemia and we are all so shocked, I wasn't really friends with her but I remember seeing her in the corridors or in lessons always looking happy and pretty and I am just so shocked and sad. So this is for you Am, may you rest in peace, everyone will miss you and lets all try beat cancer

Vote Comment Fan if you please <3 sorry for the seriousness I just had to say it. I promise this story will start to get better, atm it's a teensy bit BORING!!! Xxx

Uneditted as per usual! MY BAD!!! <3 xxxxx



"Yes Niall, Lemon and Herb"

"But....but....thats not even flavoursome!" The incredulous boy exclaimed, throwing his arms about in exasperation.

I placed a bite of my Lemon and Herb ¼ chicken in my mouth and moaned purposefully at him. Louis and Colette looked on in amusement as they also enjoyed their meals.

I swallowed quickly and laughed at Niall's face.

"Don't mock my sensitive tongue! It can't deal with hot things!" I said

"Oh! Then how could you kiss me then?" Niall retorted. There was a silence where our friends didn't know if it was too early to laugh at yet. But me and Niall had buried the hatchet as we both laughed our heads off at his joke.

"Touché my friend, touché!" I chortled whilst getting back to my meal.

We laughed and joked that night and I had the most fun I had ever had. I looked around the table subtly. Niall and Colette were flirting cutely in each other's ears; hands interlocked around each other's necks. Harry, Liam and Zayn were all joking and chatting (Harry shamelessly flirting with the poor waitress I might add) and then Louis frowning down at his phone. Wait what?

"You ok hun?" My voice must have shocked him as he jumped a mile in the air. I chuckled at his reaction as I looked into his eyes. I saw concern and anger there, which confused me further.

He hastily tried to put his phone away as he mumbled "I'm ok"s and "everything's fine"s. Not convinced, I felt a worrying ache settle in my stomach.

I had to get that phone, I thought to myself.

Before he could say anything else, I pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first, but soon conformed around my own lips. I nearly got so lost in the kiss that I forgot my evil plan (wow I was having loads of those recently) but luckily Louis didn't notice my hand pulling his phone from his pocket.

I pulled away from him and ran to the other side of Harry. I could see his shocked face from here as he woke from his trance.

I typed in his password knowing I only had like 3 seconds to see what was wrong with him.

When I had unlocked the phone, my fingers froze over the home screen. Which should I check first? Texts? Facebook?

Harry pretended to cough as he said "Twitter" I thanked him with a smile.

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