Chapter 6

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I was frozen in place. I had forgetten to breathe. Gosh now I know how Bella felt in Twilight. Wait....DID I JUST THINK THAT?!?! Oh god I must be mad.

But anyway, back to the present. The two of us were saying anything. He was staring at me, right into my eyes, like he can see my soul (ugh cliché but true). He started to lean in.

Oh God, I started to lean in too. It was like I was under a spell. I couldn't stop; I didn't want to stop when I thought about it. But I had to.

I shook my head and got up, leaving the room without a backwards glance. I was hyperventilating and my stomach was doing flips. I had to get out of there before something happened. I leaned my head against the wall next to my locker and breathed out heavily.

What happened to not getting involved in his drama filled life? That went down the drain when he flashed me that smile. Ugh why is he so cute?! I thought.

You secretly wanted something to happen a voice said inside my head

Shut up, he's a pop star I can't go out with him I argued back.

Oh sorry, I forgot about that Commandment in the Bible: 'Thou shall not date a popstar' it remarked

"UGH SHUT UP" I yelled at the voice. God I'm going mad, talking to myself.

"Talking to yourself I see" Louis said. I looked up. He was leaning against the locker. Class had started so no one was there. The goody two shoes in me was freaking out but I knew I could make up a lie. "I better go, you just left this. I didn't look I promise." He held out my song book; I must have left it backstage. I took it and smiled at him, looking into those gorgeous eyes, feeling myself get lost again.

"You still didn't say what you came here for" I reminded him, trying to pretend that nothing happened. He noticed this but didn't say anything.

"I've done what I wanted to now." He looked down at his shoes whilst I looked confused. He looked up again, and smiled. "I really have to go. I will speak to you later. Bye" He turned and walked. I watched him until he was out of sight and sighed.

"Bye then" I whispered. I was so confused. He came to KISS me. Really? NO! He came to give me my song book. Yeah that's it. I couldn't help but feel disappointed by that, I shook myself! NO you mustn't!

The rest of the day went by really slowly. I couldn't help but noticing everyone staring and whispering when I passed them. So that means everyone must have read it. Mercy must have skipped school because she wasn't here at lunch or Song-writing class (yes I know, we have cool classes.) So I walked to the crèche to spend time with Matt. He smiled and ran towards me when he saw me. I picked him up and span him round.

I loved my little brother so much. I decided to take him out of the crèche and go out to eat with some of the money I had earnt at my dance school for teaching the smaller classes. He told me what he had done all day. Ahh the stories and hardships of a 3 yr old. We made it to the restaurant and I watched him draw with crayons while I ate, listening to his babbling.

Luckily there were no cameras as we returned which made me feel more relaxed. I said goodbye to Matt and I promised to pick him up soon. I went to class and actually concentrated for the first time today. Mercy had decided to grace me with her presence. She said Zayn invited her out and they had a romantic lunch and they kissed. Then she started going on about how it wasnt a really serious relationship and how its a bit of fun. I love her, but she doesn't HALF go on. I had zoned her out until she said:

"And we are going to go on a double date with Louis and his girlfriend Abby." That's when I started to concentrate. I whirled round and shouted "WHAT?" Mercy jumped at my sudden reaction and so did everyone in the class. Luckily the teacher was out of the room, or I would have got a detention. I smiled sheepishly at my classmates and turned closer into Mercy and Is shared desk.

"Louis and his girlfriend Abby? Remember from the magazine this morning; turns out she isnt the manager but his girlfreind." Mercy looked at me weird. I felt my stomach drop dramatically. HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND.

"Oh I thought you said something else." I whispered, looking down at my notes. Mercy stared at me for a little longer before shaking her head, giving me a knowing look before continuing.

"Well you should know who she is; she's a model for Topshop." Mercy added, checking her phone. Ugh so that means she's REALLY pretty. I groaned inwardly.

Why did I ever believe that he would actually be interested in ME! I beat myself up for most of the rest of the day like the little teenage girl that I am. Mercy was really starting annoy me. She said she was going to meet up with Zayn again tonight aswell so I will have to cover for her if her mum calls.

I walked to the crèche, not really in the mood to play with Matt on the way home. Mum better be there, I just wanted to write some songs to express myself and Matt always makes me play silly songs. I love him, but he is very repetitive.

I opened the door and Matt ran into Mums arms. I smiled at her and we briefly talked whilst making dinner. Apparently she went to a casting call for an acting part after she had finished work. She is an actress herself but part time because of Matt and I. She gets a good enough income as a waitress down at a posh restaurant in Soho.

I had nothing much to tell about my day but I think she could tell that I wasn't in the mood for talking.

I went up to my room broodingly. I loved my room. It was black and red with one red wall, one black wall and one wallpapered wall which was white with red roses with black stems and one cushioned white wall. That was for sound proofing. I could scream and shout as much as I want but It would only come out as a whisper on the other side.

I got out my acoustic guitar and just began to play with the familiar strings. I smiled at the sound it made. I loved playing the guitar, it relaxed me.

I played the guitar for about two hours before my stomach couldn't bare it. I went downstairs and raided some cupboards for food. Mum seemed to be practising lines whilst bathing Matt.

Returning to my room, I sat on my bed and stared at the wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my phones red light flashing, indicating that I had a message.

Curiously I took it and saw that I had a text. 

Sender: Patrick

Hey gorgeous, need someone to brighten your day?

I laughed and thought just one thing. Niall.

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