Chapter 29

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Summers POV

It seemed as if the whole room took a collective breath. The familiar ringing tone filled the silence in the room, but no one made a move to silence it. Even if they could they didn't have to, seeing as the phone disappeared a few weeks ago.

Everyone the boys knew had been told not to use the house phone; unless this was someone new, but that was highly unlikely.

So that means someone cleverly knew that they could phone and leave a voicemail without having to have to deal with the answer.

Niall. That little leprechaun Sherlock Holmes.

By the fifth ringing tone, we all scrambled to the voicemail receiver, all waiting for the voice we were all desperate to here. If someone walked in, it would be comical as all of us were standing around a phone, waiting for the coming of Jesus or something. On the last tone, you could have heard a pin drop.

"This is the Vodafone Voicemail service for:" A robotic woman's voice filled the void that the ringing left.

Liams voice was the next to speak, but not from his mouth, his voice came from the phone; "HI this is One Direction, we are not able to take your call right now-"

Harry's voice cut in; "We too busy playing X BOX BABEH!!!"

There was a scuffle from the phone, meaning the recording carried on as Liam seemed to assault Harry.

"Anyway- leave your name and your number and we will be sure to call you back"

The Real Louis shook his head and whispered; "We really need to change that." I couldn't bother about that now, as the robotic woman carried on.

"When you have finished recording your message, please hang up and for more options key hash at any time."

The familiar beep rang sharply through the room. This was it. This was really him now. God I never thought I would be so nervous to hear a voicemail message.

Then his voice filled the room.

"Hi boys, it's me...Niall" (like we wouldn't know)

"After whatever just happened tonight, I'm going home, back to Ireland for a bit to clear my head. I'll miss you guys and I've cleared it with management, so I'll be seeing you in 4 days."

He seemed to hesitate before continuing. "Oh and Colette" (Colette, who had already started to retreat back to the sofa, stopped and slowly turned her head to the voicemail machine). Niall hesitated one more time, blew out a big breath of courage and said "I'm still the Emperor and I definitely caught some flies."

The tone of someone hanging up filled the room, before Louis reached out and deleted the message. I don't think anybody would have wanted to keep it, it still rang in our heads, the words being committed to memory.

Colette, who seemed frozen on the spot, still staring at the machine which held the voice she desperately yearned to hear again, laughed. It was a throaty chuckle, without humour but enough to realise that she knows that what he said seemed to be an apology of some sorts, and to tell her that he liked her too.

Louis cleared his throat. "Sooooo..." He said awkwardly, still trying to keep the room upbeat. "No Niall for 4 days.....I think we should eat the food while we can, we won't have any when he gets back."

"If he comes back." Zayn said darkly, staring at the ground.

"When he comes back" I implied with venom in my voice. I glared at all of them, daring them to step up and defy me. I know, I'm weird.

"Look guys, its Niall. He's the happiest, sweetest guy of them all and he hasn't seen his family and his homeland in a long time. Maybe he did need a holiday before this happened. It's hardest for him, his family is in another country. Lets just give him some space. It will be fine" Liam outlined. He always speaks the logic that most of us ignore.

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