Chapter 38

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“Stop What?”

“You know what.”

“I really don’t.”

Mercy sent me a glare across my kitchen table, but it bounced off my face of innocence. I pushed the overflowing plate towards her once more, and this time she broke down.

“I knew you couldn’t resist my brownies.” I smiled smugly. She shot me a scathing look from behind the mountain of chocolate goodness that of which she was steadily devouring.

“I know you are bored at home because you aren’t back to school yet, but PLEASE, stop making delicious food, I am going to become so fat I won’t be able to leave through the front door.” I rolled my eyes at Mercy’s exaggeration. There is no way that girl could ever put on enough weight to touch the surface of her toned, curvaceous body.

As she finished her fifth brownie, I tidied up the kitchen automatically. This is what I have been doing for four days straight. Cook. Clean. Eat. Cook. Clean Eat.

It strangely helps, and I don’t see Mum and Matt complaining when they come home to a three course meal and sweet treats. I still catch Mum giving me a sad, pitiful sideways look. I don’t think she realises she is doing it, but it’s getting on my nerves. I have enough self-pity on my own thanks.

But anyway, Mercy came to visit today to help me going through my phone and laptop. Dr. Jenkins said that I will need the moral support of someone who knows the whole story and I immediately realised Mercy was my girl. I was so happy when she came to the hospital as I could finally see someone I remember apart from my mum and brother. She was very supportive to me and her positive aura made me snap out of the depressive self-pity mood I went into after the visit of Louis, Niall and Colette (Mercy told me that was her name).

I still haven’t heard from any of them directly, as Dr Jenkins had said they should stay away until I have gone through all my messages and voicemails and everything I have done has been explained to me. Mercy has already warned me that it would take at least 3 hours to explain what I have been up to in the past few months. Her saying that really makes me worry.

 So we plonked ourselves on the sofa surrounded by my gadgets and things. Mum had confiscated them as soon as we got home as commanded by Dr. J. It didn’t bother me much as I had no one to call other than Mercy. It’s not like I have a boyfriend or anything (note sarcasm). But even if I did call him, what do I say? So, I don’t even remember you, but do you wanna make out? No. Not a good move.

“We will start with your life story first” Mercy announced, twisting herself to sit facing me on the sofa. I mirrored her actions, scared about what I am about to hear. I bit my lip and stared at her, waiting for her to start.

“Don’t look at me like that, you are putting me under pressure!” She joked, making me lift one corner of my mouth in a last ditch attempt of a smile. I was too nervous to react otherwise. Its not everyday someone lays your life that you couldn’t remember out in front of you.

“Ok right, so it all started about a few months ago when you were walking to school. Louis was scheduled for an interview or something but he got caught by a couple of fan-girls and they chased him away. And he bumped right into you.” My mouth dropped open in shock. Well I wasn’t expecting that!

Mercy chuckled and continued; “It gets better I swear. So yeah, he bumped into you and he begged you to hide him from the fan-girls. You agreed to take him into school for a bit to keep a low profile. So he walked to school with you and that day was a dance-off at school and so he watched us dance but before you can meet him afterwards he had to leave. But, he left two tickets for the concert the next day. So-“

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