Chapter 14

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So, here I am, in a people carrier with my new best friend Colette, Mercy being my sworn enemy, WITH ONE DIRECTION, and currently dating Niall Horan.

If you told me this would happen 3 months ago, I would have laughed and took you to the doctor myself.

The feeling of Nialls hand in mine felt soft and right. He was drawing smooth circles with his thumb, making me squirm. I am very ticklish! I had rested my head on his shoulder. He is taller than me but not by a massive amount. I didn't care though. Ryan Reynolds could come running in front of the car and I still wouldn't care. Much.

The drive was long, and I was really hungry. We had left London and went to Hertfordshire (A/N place on the outskirts of London) into some deep forest. I was starting to get worried now.

"Tell me where we are going?" I begged Niall one more time, as we got out of the car. He laughed and shook his head.

"No way! It's fun to tease you!" I shot him a playful glare and pouted. To me, a forest in the middle of nowhere equals Twilight. Or some scary movie. But mostly Twilight.

I peeked round the trees, which made Niall look at me weird. "I'm looking for Bella and Edward." I explained solemnly. His grin grew more pronounced.

"You're such a weirdo!" He said in his Irish accent, stopping and looking into my eyes. I stopped too, my breathing hitching. His eyes, those gorgeous eyes.

"But that's why you like me" I smirked as he stared at my lips. I closed the gaps between mine and his and quickly pulled away, then walked off, but not before winking at him.

Too busy winking at Niall, I oh-so-smoothly tripped over a tree root. I winced, waiting for the ground to impact, but instead I hit a pair of soft, warm, strong arms. I opened my eyes slowly, shocked that Niall got there so fast.

But it wasn't Niall staring down at me, it was Louis. He was smirking, but his eyes were still duller than the first time we met. I smiled up at him as he helped me up. Niall was on his phone, probably tweeting about me falling over, as I saw a devilish smile on his face.

"We always end up on the floor don't we?" he said smiling. That smile made my heart jolt, then slice of guilt punctured it. Why is this happening? Im happy with Niall. 

How could I still hold feelings for him? 

"That us" I replied, laughing. "Shall we keep walking?" I walked in pace with him and he thrust his hands in his pockets. He looked so good today I found myself betraying the "don't think about Louis" firewall in my head. 

Even better than Niall? The voice said. (A/N every time I write In the voice I always read it in a witch voice! Random, but had to be said!)

NO! I continued the argument in my head whilst a silence filled the air between me and Louis. I look up to see him staring at me. He didn't look away when our eyes locked, and my stomach twisted nervously.

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