which one is reality? (2)

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Why do I still have to sit in misery

and contemplate my own death?

If you feel nothing for me anymore

then don't bring my fucking hopes up.

I need to get over you, I really do

because there's no way we have a chance.

You'll never love me again because I'm me

and do you really love this new kid? I don't believe it.

I don't know what to think anymore

and my dreams are confusing as fuck.

Why do I feel so lonely and sad all the time?

I can't tell you any of my problems

because all you'll do is feel sorry for me

and that's even worse than hurting this bad inside.

Life is too much for this fucked up kid

and he believes that death is the only easy way out.

No one can convince him otherwise, no one should try.

I wish I wasn't this kid, I wish my life was good

but I can't live without the person I love.

I feel so numb inside, I feel like I'm losing blood

but not really because that's a good feeling

compared to this feeling right now.

I haven't felt this feeling in a very long time,

but maybe I should reopen some old scars.

I should just let the darkness consume me

because my existence really means nothing

and who would care about some random dead kid?

The last emotion I would feel is satisfaction

because I know you and the whole fucking school

would watch the news as they said I killed myself

and that I was far too young to die.

One thing they wouldn't be saying is what a good kid I was

and how stupendously I did in school

and how the community is greatly affected by this loss

because none of that would be true.

Why are all these images I'm seeing so vivid?

Maybe it's just destined to be.

Is this the stupid fucking reason I've been put on this earth?

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now