The forest

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A boy walks his usual path

until he sees something fall from the sky

into a forest not steps away from him.

The boy enters the vast forest

only to find a mysterious place.

Little does he know he will be shocked

and scared to find out that all is not right.

He is walking deeper and deeper

and as he walks it gets darker and darker

and he sees...eyes.

On either side of him, bunches of orange eyes

all staring at the boy as if he were their prey.

What are these strange animals in the dark?

The boy is curious, he marches forward.

He comes upon a hill in a clearing

and on this hill there is a large, wooden cross

and on that cross is a figure that he cannot discern.

He ascends the hill and stands in front of the cross...

it is as if he were looking in a mirror.

His reflection staked onto the cross, bleeding,

moaning? It is still alive and says three words...

get. out. now. The moaning stops.

The boy turns and starts to run,

however, his path is blocked by strange creatures.

They are as wolves, though with red fur;

the orange eyes have followed him.

He turns towards the cross and runs past it

only to find himself in the forest once more

and it gets even darker around him

but what is that? A light?

There is a glowing aura in the distance.

The boy is mesmerized, he strides forward.

The light seems to move with him,

it gets dimmer and dimmer

until the boy reaches it's source.

A fallen, dying star sits before him.

He reaches out a hand toward the star,

it gets brighter the closer he gets.

As his fingertips brush the star...

it envelops him and shoots up into the sky.

The boy is suspended in space,

seeing a world no one has seen before.

He passes into an invisible atmosphere

and finds his breath again

as he descends to a platform

with a semicircle of diverse creatures;

they are all surrounding him.

The boy understands none of the languages

and has no idea where he could be.

The creatures whisper to each other

and before the boy knows it he is falling,

into a slide, nonetheless,

but on the other side of this slide

are vast piles of waste

and all around him are humans...

working under creatures with whips.

If one human disobeyed,

he would be mercilessly beaten and whipped.

It looked like hell on...well wherever this boy was.

He was pushed forward and set to work

shoveling the waste and disposing of it

into the atmosphere of Earth.

There was only one break for food

and the boy awaited it all day.

When it came he sat beside an old man

who had worked there all of his life

and they spoke of revolt,

they spread the word to everyone.

The next day as they started to work

the old man collapsed in fake pain

and as the guards rushed to whip him back up

the boy and the other humans ambushed the guards.

The boy raised a whip and yelled freedom

as they rushed the room they all started in.

It was empty.

Slowly more and more guards appeared out of nowhere

enclosing them all in the room

with the boy standing in the center.

The creatures walked to their chairs

and banged mallets on the table before them.

An enormous cross rose behind the boy

and the middle creature raised an open palm,

lifting the boy off the ground.

Out of nowhere stakes drove the boy's flesh to the cross

and, as he lost consciousness, he plummeted.

He awoke atop a hill barely still breathing

and moaned from the intense pain.

He noticed a figure ascending the hill

and saw himself, but his eyes were innocent.

The last words he was able to muster were...

get. out. now.

Then he took his last breath.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now