Don't have a name, sorry.

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What is love?

Just a lie and a fading hope

for the survival of the human race.

It's just an empty word

with no meaning behind it.

So now I'm completely over her,

that's how it should be.

So why do I still think about her?

I've matured so much, why is this happening?

Why can't I get her off my mind again?

All I want is to stop my mind from thinking.

My thoughts are way too intense

for me and my brain to handle all this.

Do I believe in the word mentioned above?

No. It's died away inside of me.

So. Now there's no more love in my life.

Well you can't live without love right?

Fuck. Why did she leave so long ago?

And why do I have this reoccurring thought

that in the future some day I will find her

and we will begin to fall in love again.

No. Reality is the only thing that's real,

so love is not, it's a fantasy

that's only real in movies and books.

So I'm writing this poem

which I don't really care about

because love is actually nothing to me now,

so what's there to write about?

That I have no innocence left

and I'm a psychotic freak

that can't make up his fucking mind

and can't plan for the future

because I just can't see one for myself.

I hope I end up dead

because it'll be a lot simpler then

and I won't have to suffer the consequences

of being a total fuck up my whole life.

Stop thinking...stop thinking!

Fuck. You know, I'd love to live somewhere else for a while.

But what happens when I have no money?

Should I kill myself then or go home?

They seem like the same options.

Why the fuck are my parents so controlling?

Fuck them.

Why does my mind think so much

and why am I so fucked up in the head?

No one deserves me.

That's probably why I have no one...

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now