Fuck my life.

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I'm laying in bed

and now I'm crying,

I don't know how

but I made you feel that way.

Why do I take drugs?

They make me feel better

because everything in my life,

except for you,

is shit, and I don't know what to do.

If you dive deeper into my life

you might not like what you find,

a fucked up world of my creation

and different parts of me in all out war.

Now I would like to know...

why do you take more drugs than me?

Why do I do all this crazy shit?

It's all that I can do

to keep me from going insane

and there's no one to help me,

no one to talk to

because no one could understand

and it would take too long to tell,

they wouldn't care anyway.

I want to know everything about you.

Maybe you could tell me someday.

Let's trade stories, it'll be fun.

My mind doesn't function correctly,

I might be a little crazy

but I don't care because I know

I'll always love you with all my heart.

You're the only thing that's right in my life

and I never want to lose you

but I'm sorry, I guess,

for being the way I am

and getting grounded all the time,

I never asked for this shit.

I wish I could just be free

and not have to do this crazy shit

but until my life gets better

I can't completely stop.

I'll do what I can for you

because I hate when you're sad

and I just feel like complete shit

because it's all my fault.

I'm sorry, this is how I cope with life,

I could be cutting everyday

but I don't like feeling that fake pain.

Fuck my life, I suck at this living shit,

I just wish I didn't fuck everything up.

Now every single time the phone rings

I always get up and run over

just to see if you're calling me

because all I want is to talk to you,

to hear your voice at all times.

I wish I could take back everything,

make it all right,

but I'm not capable of doing things right

and I don't know what to do.

I have no idea

because in my mind it's all confusing

and I feel like I'm manipulating myself.

I know I need help.

I've needed it for a while,

but I can't explain it to anyone,

what I'm feeling, because

I don't even understand it myself.

Myself, I don't understand

and I really wish I could

because it would make life easier

but everything's a blur in life

and I can't keep up with anything.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now