A broken heart and a broken mind

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Fuck. Why did this happen again?

I thought it was going so well,

why do you think that we're different?

So different that we can't work

but we genuinely loved each other,

I guess you lost that love

because you broke up with me

and left me alone and broken again.

I thought this time would be different,

I thought you actually loved me

but how could that be true?

How could anyone ever love me?

It was at the worst possible time,

that you did this to me,

because I was feeling like shit,

like a complete fuck up

and that's all that I am,

just a huge fucking fuck up

because I can't do anything right.

I promised myself something,

but I have broken that promise,

to not be affected by this

but it's fucking hard to do,

getting over you

because you were a huge part of my life

and why did you leave?

why did you leave?


All I really want is to die now

because you were the only good thing in my life

but my life is over now

and there's no point in doing this shit anymore,

live, I mean.

But fuck that, I'm not gonna die

just because I lost you.

You think I'm too reckless?

That I do too much crazy shit?

This is the only time to do this kind of shit,

why grow up now?

I'll do whatever the fuck I want

just because I can, I'm a teenager,

hear me roar, mother fuckers,

when I'm skating down the street

yelling at the top of my lungs at midnight.

You don't do anything like this.

It's a whole new different drug

and, you know, I've been clean for a while,

I'm gonna stay that way

because when the adrenaline starts pumping

there's no one that could ever stop me.

You've witnessed this yourself,

you made my adrenaline pump the most

and I refrained from doing insane shit

but now I'm just gonna go fucking wild,

the animal's been cut loose

but is that really a good idea?

i don't give a fuck!

I'm done with this thinking shit,

it's all about doing these days

so I'll do some crazy shit now

and hopefully end up in a facility somewhere

where they're telling me I'm completely insane

and I'll have the biggest grin on my face

because sitting there means only one thing:


Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now