I had a dream

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I had a dream about you.

I don't know what to think anymore

because I'm over you, it's done.

The weird part is we made up

in this dream of mine,

you apologized, said you loved me

but this time you knew

that it was definately real.

This part I couldn't believe,

I forgave you.

Then a light shined upon us,

a light that blinded me

and I could not see your face.

You grabbed my hand adn led me

down a path in the forest, our forest.

I was lowered on to a stump

the light slowly fading and...

you were smiling.

Still holding my hand

and smiling so brightly that

it illuminated the night air around us.

The stars were still in the sky,

the air was still cold

but you were the source of light

and also of warmth in the night.

We stared at each other

for what seemed like hours

the trees swaying around us

enhancing your powers.

I floated out of my body, then,

my consciousness above me

only able to watch, not do

and my body fell to the ground

the light dimmed, you tried helping me up

when you couldn't you checked my pulse...

I was dead.

You were crying, forming a puddle.

The puddle flooded into my body,

as if life just sprang back into me

I was back in my body looking at myself

looking in disbelief at you and my surroundings.

I couldn't contain myself,

I jumped on you, hugging you.

You were smiling, crying, laughing.

I smiled so brightly it hurt

but it felt good because I was with you.

Then I kissed you.

Your eyes widened and then...

you were gone.

As if you had never arrived.

I was sitting in complete darkness

alone, depressed, and empty.

I screamed.

One loud scream that echoed throughout my mind.

My thoughts, my feelings, my emotions

all disturbed by this one scream.

Then I toppled over, my body limp.

I awoke in my bed

coming back to the world I know,

but will never understand.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now