What do I do?

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What do I do when I have no clue?

What do I do when I don't know what to do?

My mind is completely blank

and i don't know if I can do this anymore

live, I mean.

Shit I can't take this,

I don't even know what I'm doing,

what is my goal in life?

I'm going to wither and die away

just like I was destined to do

and no one will help me along the way,

why would they waste their time?

I lost her, that's my biggest mistake

and all I want is to have her back

because she made me so fucking happy.

I don't need anything else but her.

I don't need drugs or cigarettes,

I don't need help and I don't need the world.

All I ever needed was her.

I know my life goal,

everything that I want.

I want her, I wante her to love me

and I'll do anything to make that happen.

I'll rip a hole in the world,

I'll kill for her in a second,

I'll give up every fucking thing I know

just to know I still have her.

But fuck, I can't take action,

I don't even know if she'll ever like me again

but I'll always fucking love her.

Every time I fucking see her

all I think about is all the good times we had

but also what I did wrong

and what I could've done instead

to make everything okay.

But now it's too late and it's all fucking over

and all I can do is stare

out of the corner of my eye

and look at how beautiful she is

and I hope she doesn;t find out how I feel

because she doesn't give a fuck

that I love her with all my heart,

all she cares about is what he thinks.

What the fuck is he doing?

He told me he doesn't like her much

and I told him not to hurt her more

but he still prolongs the relationship,

why is he doing that to my love?

I might have to intervene

if he keeps doing this to her.

Now let's let my mind rest

until the next time I have to think again

even though it's fucking hard

reliving these memories,

playing them back...over and over.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now