I am now gone

123 4 4

Why try in school

when there is

nothing to try for?

The guards here say

to try my hardest

or they will take away

everything that I love.

But it is time now

to revolt.

It is time now

to snap,

to reality.

Because they ask

too much of me

and I can't take this

for much longer.

I quickly think


of what I should do.

I grab my flask

and hop out the window.

I meet my friends,

we hang out for a bit.

I am not clearheaded now.

A few swigs from my flask

enhances this feeling.

I tune out

the part of my brain

that thinks sad thoughts,

that makes me insane.

And now I'm having

the time of my life.

What problems?

What emotions?

Happiness is what I feel.

I am free to do what I please.

But wait

what is this thought

popping into my head?

Oh god no.

Please no.

Not her.

Her beautiful face,

her eyes, her lips

her smile...

I take one last swig

and shake it off.

I am now content.

I walk aimlessly

with my friends

ignoring the vibrations

in my pocket.

At the end of the night

we're pissing of a balcony.

I open my eyes.

We're sprawled all over

my friend's backyard.

I stand up and rub my eyes.

My head hurts like hell

and my limbs are all sore.

So I decide it's time

to go back.

I climb up to my window

and slowly lower myself to the floor.

I get in bed and close my eyes

drifting away to my dreamland.

When I wake up I see

those two guards staring at me

and they do not seem pleased.

They shout and yell

and curse and hit

and kick and shout

"get out of here!"

I walk down the street

empty and desolate.

It is very dark

but I still make out

two lights rapidly

moving toward me.

I call her and say

I still love you.

Do you love me too?

She simply replies,

as the lights move even closer,

no I do not

and I never will.

I smile and say

my final words.

That's too bad

but it is what it is.

You won't have to deal with me anymore.

Because I'll be gone and you will stay.

The lights were upon me then.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now