This is the new me.

108 3 6

Why does it seem that life

is turning in the opposite direction?

Everything is getting a little better.

Now I finally realize

that all those people were right,

it all gets better in the end

but really it's only just the beginning.

She likes me again, I'm so overjoyed.

My parents are getting better

but how good can parents really get?

They've come to accept me, though,

and said I shouldn't hide anymore.

Of course I will but they don't need to know.

Back to her. I don't know what to say.

Is this a dream come true?

Or is this just going to crash and burn again.

I'm hoping this dream is true, crossing my fingers in fact

but everyone knows that doesn't really help.

Whatever, i like to think it does.

Down to my medication.

Whether it's weed, alcohol, anything really...

I'm done. I dont need that shit.

I live a fast pace life as it is

and I won't let anything slow me down.

I guess I have changed in a way,

sure I still get some sad feelings

but that's normal for me, I'm used to it

and I feel like I can deal with it,

I can deal with anything, face anyone,

conquer any obstacle, and do whatever I please.

I am happy now, this is the new me

and so far I'm liking myself a lot more

than I liked myself before.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now