Why do I want to die?

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Why do I want to die?

said the boy under his breathe

as he was walking down the street

his head was hung low

and his hair covered his face.

He was wearing a black shirt,

his favorite band shirt,

and his black skinny jeans with studs on his belt.

Walking around in his black vans.

His hands were in his pockets.

He walked past the park

and all the little kids stared

as if in awe or probably shock

they're mouths wide open.

Further down the street

he came upon a pizza place

there were many kids his age here.

As he walked past them,

with his head hung low,

they laughed and pointed

whispering things like

or cutter

or you look like a girl

or why are you still alive?

then he sank deeper into misery

as he walked along the road.

He came upon a busy store,

many people walking in and out.

Some children stopped and stared

as their parents rushed them away

and parents whispered to their kids

to never become like him.

All of them pointing, accusing.

It was all too much for him.

The boy sighed and said

I hate my fucking life.

These people think they're so perfect,

living their perfect fucking lives

when all their really living is just lies.

This world doesn't accept me,

no one ever will.

Why the fuck would people even think that I think I'm better?

That's far from true, I just tell jokes

because I don't want to face the reality:

that I'm a good-for-nothing piece of shit

that no one will ever care about,

someone to pushed around and kicked

so that I won't get back up.

Someone really needs to help me

because this road that I walk on

is leading me to the end.

But no, there's no one to stop me

and I will keep walking

because this really needs to happen.

Now cars are rushing down the street

and my footing becomes see-through,

I walk under an overhang.

Then I climb onto a ledge

and survey the whole landscape

seeing the beauty of this world

for one last final time.

Then I letmyself fall over this ledge...

and fall he did. To his death, in fact,

just because of a few stupid words

ad the feeling of no support anywhere.

My friends, this will be me one of these days

because no one is supporting me, no one really cares.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now