The notes

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Reading over these notes you gave me

once before, they brought me joy

but now all that they bring

is sadness and a tear to my eye.

You said that you were so happy

that we were together again

and that you're always happy

whenever you're with me.

How stupid of me to believe that

I obviously bring you no more happiness

and all that's left now is emptiness

and I can't help but feel sadness

because we will never be together again.

These notes made me laugh

remembering all the good times we had

and the amazing things you said about me

but that smile and laugh slowly changed,

replaced by a frown and silence

and me gripping the paper

ready to rip these notes into a million pieces

but I stopped myself from doing that,

I will get my satisfaction yet.

The day that you realize that you were wrong

when you left me all alone

with my heart crying blood in my hands

and at my feet a rather large puddle

mostly blood but also tears.

You will remember and then you will cry,

you'll want me back and I'll say no

with no emotion and a blank face

except that that won't fucking happen

and my feelings for you are still overwhelming

but I can't even love right now

because my heart is lost and cannot be found

so I'll walk alone for a while

as long as it'll take to wait for you

which is forever because you'll never like me

and your feelings for me will never change

even though you made the fucking mistake,

the mistake of letting me go.

It took a while to realize

that I mean something to myself

and that I mean nothing to you

but in the end it's all your loss

because all I did was love and care

with all my fucking heart

and you still lef tme all alone.

After all this you say you care?

I laugh at that because you lie

and you've lief way tooo fucking much to me.

Now I'm enraged and desperately praying for death

but still somehow holding onto dear life

because it's all I have left

but even life has no meaning

and I walk aimlessly around my soul

trying to find my way again

but it's always too far and when I try to reach for it,

it passes through my outstretched arms

and then reality hits me again

and I'm standing above a trash can

holding all your stupid, fucking notes

and then I ignite the flame and watch them burn.

Soon they will be nothing but ashes.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now