Chapter fifty six

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"What's up cowboy?" Maggie chirps down the phone line, Calum and Ashton were just leaving the modelling building.
"We're finished, not meeting Michael for another hour and a half. Want me back in the office?" Calum queries as they get into the car.
"I mean, if you want. There's always work for you to do but you don't have to come back." She shrugs, despite it being a phone call.
"Ashton?" Calum looks over at his sub in the passenger seat.
"I uh, wanna get changed if I can." Ashton pipes in quickly.
"No worries, we'll go home then. Bye-"
"Wait!" Maggie screeches.

"You're not gonna tell me how the shoot went?" She blanches dejectedly.
"It went really well, didn't it Ash?"
"Yeah, I accepted the job." Ashton blushes shyly, shrinking in on himself a little.
"That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you, that's fantastic news." Maggie beams.
"Thanks." Ashton replies courteously.
"I told them to contact you about scheduling, that'll happen next week some time." Calum informs his assistant as he approaches the edge of the city.
"Great, I look forward to telling them they need to get their act together." She answers dryly. Maggie isn't a person who would be considered cocky but rather confident and self-assured. With that confidence and self-assurance came the knowledge that she was far more on top of organising just about everything than most people. When it came to work and organising Calum's hectic schedule, incompetent and inefficient planners was something she had very little time for -if any at all.
"Bye Mags, we'll see you Monday." Calum laughs.
"Bye kids. Have fun tonight and for the love of god, find Michael another dom to have sex with."

Calum shakes his head and ends the call, not feeling a reply is warranted. When they get back home, Ashton takes his time changing and getting ready whilst Calum replies to a few work emails from his laptop. Ashton settles on tight black skinny jeans, a white tee with the Calvin Klein logo on it and white doc martens. He also decides to keep the natural makeup he was already in, feeling gradually more confident and comfortable.
"Will you get cold?" Calum purses his lips when Ashton comes into his home office.
"Um... maybe?" Ashton says unsurely.
"You know I don't like to control you but you really should grab a jacket Ash."
"I don't know what will go with the outfit though." Ashton protests, a slight whine to his voice.
"One photo shoot and you've become a fashionista." Calum teases.
"I-" Ashton tries to weakly defend himself.
"I love it." Calum reassures him.

Ashton finally decides on a tan coloured coat that goes down to his mid thigh and despite all the time they had, Ashton's dedication to his look combined with the Sydney traffic mean that Michael beats them to the bar. It's very central, making Michael's commute easy, and full but not overcrowded. The club is dark, even if it's not pitch black outside yet. The music is pounding and the whole atmosphere makes it feel significantly later in the evening than it actually is.

Michael stares out at the rumpled office clothing, people trying to relieve the week's stress, as he branches out to order screwdriver's for him and Calum.
"You know I only take a top shelf scotch on the rocks." Calum quips as he comes up behind his best friend, Ashton contently latched onto his arm.
"Just take the fucking drink."  Michael rolls his eyes as Calum and Ashton sit down in barstools, Calum in the middle of the three of them.

"What do you want to drink?" Calum redirects his attention towards his distracted sub.
"Oh- Can I please try a cocktail?" Ashton is caught off guard, his eyes having been frantically scanning the room for nothing in particular. "Sir." He tacks on in a whisper.
"Of course but how are you feeling Sweets? Do you need to go? We won't stay if you're not comfortable." Calum replies, immediately a little concerned.
"Yeah, there's just a lot of new things. I've never been anywhere like this and it's a little overwhelming."
"No worries Darling." Calum kisses Ashton's temple gently. "Do you want me to pick your cocktail?"
"Yes please. I just want to try something new."

Calum orders Ashton a sex on the beach and after the both of them are ID'ed, Ashton gets his drink. Michael has a raised eyebrow at the two of them the whole time but doesn't say anything aloud, leaving his questions unsaid for the minute. Calum catches his best friend's gaze and leans in to mumble in his sub's ear.
"Can I tell Michael a little about our contract Sweetheart?"
"Yeah." Ashton breathes out, only after sparing a glance over to the blonde.

"As per our contract, that we made last week, Ashton uses Sir whenever he feels he needs a little more guidance -for whatever reason that may be." Calum explains.
"Ah, reasonable. I don't mind- holy shit." Michael wheezes at the end, feeling the air leave his lungs.
"What is it?" Calum frowns, following Michael's line of sight with his own.

"Oh." Calum eventually gets out.
"I'm speechless." Michael whispers in awe.
"Michael you can't." Calum says firmly, shaking his head.
"Calum." Michael warns.
"He's clearly a sub and, considering this is an 18+ venue, there's no way on earth I'm letting you touch him with a ten foot pole."
"Calum." Michael whines.
"Seriously, not happening." Calum says sternly.
"You're no fun." Michael pouts, eyes still fixated on this boy who had just walked into the club like he owned the place.

The way this kid walked in, a few friends around him. He was front and centre of the group. Head held high, smiling coyly at the security guards who didn't even check him -which was highly suspicious given how young he looked. He was wearing designer, looked polished and over confident. Micheal really wouldn't be surprised if he owned this place, or his parents did.


-GW xo

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