Chapter fifty one

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"Hi beautiful." Louis waltzes into a dressing room and immediately goes to kiss his submissive and soulmate, Harry, on the lips. Harry's sat in a chair, hairstylist and makeup artist nearly on top of him.
"Hi babe." Harry blushes.
"Calum, Ashton; this is Harry. Harry, this is Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin." Louis introduces.
"Pleasure to meet you." Harry grins.
"Same to you." Ashton mumbles nervously.
"Lovely to meet you Harry." Calum adds curtly.

"So Ashton, you're considering modelling?" Harry hums as the beauty team execute their final touches.
"Yeah..." The youngest trails nervously. "I mean, Louis offered it to me and I like the idea of trying something new. Having something other than school work to take up my days."
"Well it's a very flexible job, that's handy. Less flexible if you do runway, but that's optional." Harry explains, looking over his appearance in the mirror one final time before standing up and making his way towards the door.

"Do you do runway?" Ashton asks, Calum and Louis both a few paces behind their submissives.
"Yes, regularly. I wouldn't say I'm the most frequent model on the runway but I do it often. I do a lot of shoots too though, I'm varied."
"Which do you prefer?" Ashton presses.
"Well," Harry considers, "they're different. Runway is more high energy, though shoots can be high energy. Shoots are generally more relaxed, not necessarily easier, just more... chill. Runway is about modelling for the designer, you exist for the clothes. Photo shoots you model for the camera, exist for the viewer."

"Time to get changed." Louis gently interrupts their conversation, a hand on Harry's lower back as they step towards the racks of clothing. "He'll only be a moment." Louis gives a tight lipped smile to his guests as Harry is taken into a conversation with the stylist.

"What are you thinking so far?" Calum asks Ashton quietly whilst Louis and Harry are distracted.
"I think I want to... but I still don't know how." Ashton mumbles.
"Everything takes practice Sweetheart. They clearly think you'll be great at it." Calum chuckles, making Ashton dig his head into his dom's chest -cheeks bright red.

An assistant of sorts approaches Calum and Ashton ten minutes later, bringing chairs and the information that Louis had to run off to a meeting and Harry is about to start the shoot. They sit down and take in everything around them; the stylists, photographers, directors, brand reps, assistants, managers and so on and so forth. There had to be at least 45 people here.

Calum - Maggie: Ashton only wants to do shoots when I'm with him, so we'll need to fit that it

Maggie - Calum: If there can be some regularity such as certain weekdays and certain times that will make my life easier

Calum - Maggie: I'll see what I can do

Calum looks up from his phone to see Ashton completely enthralled by the scene in front of him. Ashton's eyes were wide as he stared in awe at the photo shoot as it unfolded. Harry was dressed in a matching activewear set, that seemed to change every 15 minutes, and sometimes he would just stand around and pose and other times he had props to work with. Every time, however, it was clear that Harry was a complete natural infront of the camera. He drew people in.

"Sorry I had to run off, things are travelling along nicely?" Louis apologises, reentering the room nearly an hour after he left.
"Yes things are well, what are you thinking Ashton?" Calum replies, pulling his sub from his trance.
"It's so captivating." Ashton says slowly. "I think I want to try it."
"Well that's wonderful." Louis grins, momentarily catching Harry's attention. Though Harry's attention was easily caught by Louis. "Shall we arrange a test shoot? You'll go through the hair and makeup and styling but it won't be for any project, just to develop your portfolio. Introduce you to it all a little more."

"Uh... yeah? That sounds good." Ashton says unsurely.
"What day's work best for you?" Louis queries and Ashton just directs the attention to Calum.
"My assistant said she'd prefer regularity, so it's sort of the same days and times each week or fortnight."
"Well this portfolio shoot can be virtually anytime. Then we'll talk to different companies and designers and see what sort of work Ashton would suit best, that's if you have no personal limitations." Louis explains.
"No. I think I'd need to try some things first to see what I like." Ashton shakes his head.
"Very reasonable, if your Friday afternoon is still open -again, sorry about the rescheduling of today- then we could do it then." Louis suggests.
"That sounds good. We'll lock it in and I'll let you know if something comes up." Calum interjects.

"Hi all." Harry smiles, kissing his dom on the cheek as he reaches the group.
"How's it going beautiful?" Louis queries.
"Good. Having a break whilst the brand rep decides what else they want." Harry hums.
"Ashton's going to do a test portfolio shoot this Friday, when this shoot would have originally been." Louis informs.
"That's great." Harry beams, opening his mouth to say something before a woman comes running over with Harry's phone -which is ringing absurdly loudly. Harry and Louis instantly look panicked.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asks concernedly as soon as he picks up the phone, walking into his dressing room for privacy. Louis stares worriedly at his sub but doesn't move.
"I don't mean to intrude," Calum starts warily, breaking Louis' train of thought. "But is everything alright? We can go if something's come up."
"We'll see. That was the ringtone for our, uh, nanny. She doesn't call often during the day." Louis sighs.
"Oh, you-"
"Two children. We feel their privacy is important so don't talk about them often." Louis explains.
"I completely understand." Calum replies, not needing anymore of an explanation.

Harry comes back, looking visibly stressed, and steps close to Louis.
"Someone needs to go pick up the kids from school, Gracie's been in a car accident. She's totally fine but police won't let her leave the scene until she finishes questioning." Harry explains.
"I'll go," Louis says instantly. "You already said Gracie was fine, so just finish this shoot and try not to worry. I'll pick up the kids."
"Okay, bye. I love you." Harry agrees, kissing his dom on the lips.
"Love you too. See you at home." Louis is out of the door barely a second after he finishes talking.

"Sorry about that." Harry turns to Calum and Ashton.
"No, don't apologise. There's nothing to be sorry for. Just glad that your nanny, and hopefully everyone else, are okay." Calum brushes off Harry's apology,
"Yeah, she said everyone was okay. We'll need a new car but the people are okay."
"That's all that matters then." Calum gives a small smile.

"Can I- can I ask about your children?" Ashton asks nervously.
"Of course." Harry smiles warmly. "You like children?"
"Yeah, I helped raise my younger brother and sister. I love caring for people." Ashton blushes.
"We have a daughter, Eden, who's 7 and a son, William, who's 5." Harry explains fondly.
"Sound lovely." Ashton says quietly.

"The stylist has another outfit for you and we need to finish the shoot." The photographer grabs Harry, pulling him away from the conversation with an apologetic smile.

A/N: hello all I hope you liked that, I know the car crash was random but I couldn't think of another logical way to bring up their children sjsksksksk bye I love y'all :)

-Grace Williams xo

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