Chapter one hundred and twelve

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"Hey," Carla says softly as she walks into the bathroom. Ashton wasn't in a stall, didn't see the point considering there weren't many people on this floor anyway. Ashton was just sitting against the wall opposite the door, sinks to his right and cubicles to his left.
"I know I fucked up. Twice." Ashton mumbles, looking up weakly.
"You're being hard on yourself. The photos weren't kind and we all snap in high stress situations." Carla sighs as she crosses the room and sits down next to Ashton.

"I just- assumed immediately. I don't regret not calling though, he deserves the sleep. I know how exhausted he's been this week. He already wakes up earlier than he needs to so that he can talk to me." Ashton is talking slowly, trying to pull his thoughts together.
"It's completely normal to see photos like that and not feel good about it." Carla points out.
"What would you have done if there were photos of Maggie like that?" He hums.
"I would immediately place all the blame on the other woman, call Maggie to find out what happened and justify my anger. It's still not a healthy way to deal with it." She sighs, resting her head backwards against the wall.
"But you'd call her straight away. The communication sounds healthy."
"Not for a good reason though. I already know what happened."

"You'd never doubt it?" Ashton asks curiously.
"Not now. Maggie never went away for work until Calum took over the company, so about a year ago. If something like this had have happened just after we got together I would have flipped out. Truthfully, you're doing really well." Carla reassures him.
"Should I call him now then? Or do you want to know the story of me snapping? Unless Michael already told you."
"Tell me." She chuckles. "Michael told me what happened before it but not exactly what you said. Seemed like he didn't want to."
"I don't blame him." Ashton rolls his eyes.

"I said he couldn't tell me what to do. Then essentially yelled out the fact that he couldn't even legally tell Luke what to do."
"Ashton!" Carla gasps, pulling back in shock.
"We all went silent then I apologised and came in here. I didn't know what else to do." He mumbles, clearly not proud of what he did.
"Well you know you shouldn't have done that, so I don't know what else I can say." Carla shrugs.
"Nothing?" Ashton blanches.
"You can always give a deeper and more sincere apology but it's not like you can take back what you said."
"Ye-" Ashton is cut off by his phone ringing. It's Calum and only 5:30am in London, he normally woke up at 6.

"Good morning sir." Ashton mumbles, instantly putting it to speaker. He might need Carla's moral support and he was going to tell her everything anyway.
"Good afternoon. Are you okay sweets?" Calum asks gently.
"Did someone say something? Why are you awake early?" Ashton gulps.
"Michael called me a couple of times, though I didn't pick up. Then he texted and said he was calling about you. So I'm calling you. Should I start with asking why Michael's involved? I'm not mad about anything, just curious." Calum's voice is soft and open, not wanting to put Ashton off talking at all.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Ashton mumbles, leaning his head on Carla's shoulder.
"Calum," Carla cuts the dom off.

"Oh. Hi Carla."
"Hi. Late last night London time The Star Observer posted some... unfortunate photos of you and another woman. Ashton didn't want to wake you about it. He called me but I was teaching, so he called Luke and then came in to Michael's office. Now I'm here as well. Michael was also calling about something that happened in his office, with Ashton." She explains it all concisely and Calum wants to interrupt with a million different things but he knows he should listen.
"I'm- I'm looking at the photos now." Calum gulps.
"I'm sorry." Ashton whispers.
"What on earth are you sorry for?" Calum asks confusedly, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I assumed the worst. Again. I don't know why I can't just trust you. I want to." Ashton cries out in frustration.

"Darling, it's okay. You're still new to this. I was always going to explain what happened to you this morning, regardless of if you saw photos or not. I should have explained last night anyway." Calum soothes, as best he can through the phone.
"It's okay." Ashton sniffles.
"I was interviewing a woman for the job of the person who just left and she was giving me flirty eyes for a while but Maggie kept glaring at her, as soon as Maggie left for the toilet she pounced on me. I tried to push her off without making a scene but she was persistent, she got up just as Maggie walked back out."
"You were interviewing in a club?" Ashton knots his eyebrows together.
"I often interview outside of work, you get a better idea of who they actually are. Anyway, it was all her, I would never do that to you because I love you very very much and needless to say, she will not be getting the job." Calum says reassuringly, wanting nothing more than to hug his sub right now.
"But thank you sir. I love you too."

"Now how did your exam go today? Any plans for the rest of the week other than study?" Calum lightens mood, mentally noting to ask about the other thing later.
"I think it went well." The younger shrugs, "and no plans. Just study and keep missing you."
"Sweets." Calum frowns. "I miss you too. Now should I ask about the other thing?"
"Ask Michael. I think it needs a dom's perspective."
"Wait- why?" Carla interrupts.
"In case I need to be punished." Ashton blushes.
"I really don't think you do sweetheart." Calum says.
"You don't know what I did." Ashton mutters.

A/N: I just wanna squish Ashton and protect him and love him also Calum lowkey drives me up the wall in this chapter happy Thursday loves :)

-Grace Williams xo

P.S. I am working on a comprehensive fic recommendations list to get you all through social distancing, for now just look at my reading lists.

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