Chapter ninety one

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Luke slowly stands up and stretches his body, taking deep breaths and being mentally fixated on the thought that this was for their child. For the rest of his life, everything did would be for them. He didn't hate that idea.

"I'm right by your side and I always will be." Michael reassures his sub, wiping away at the younger's tear tracks.
"I know. That's what makes this so much easier." Luke says softly, reaching for Michael's hand and tightly linking their fingers. They keep their grip on each other firm as they take deep breaths and and walk out of Michael's office, over an hour after they walked in.

"Hey." Jeanette smiles softly. "Do you-"
"We're ready to go for the meeting and subsequent training." Michael replies firmly.
"Well then, everyone's in the conference room ready to go. They've been brainstorming and working from their laptops. Training starts at 11 when Calum and Ashton get here." She nods, walking into the conference room with them and getting ready to take notes.

"Good morning everyone, this is Luke. Though I hope that's not news to anyone here. Unfortunately. Can we please start with an overview of the incident?" Michael immediately switches into becoming the professional manager he is, introducing Luke and gesturing from him to sit beside him at the head of the table.
"Today's Mail online at 5:47am, and in their printed publication on page 3, released an article and photoset titled 'Scorpion CEO Too Impatient, Goes Underage'." One of the publicists starts factually. Luke feels sick and Michael feels a headache coming on.
"It was given a spot on both the front of the paper and website, in the side bars. Essentially they deemed it quite newsworthy but still not the main story of the day. The story and images are still spreading, rapidly and globally, and have reached publications such as The Observation, Daily Page, Australian Herald, London Times and The New York Chronicle among others. The team decided that nothing could be done to stop this and that most important would be your response." Someone else continues, making Michael groan.

"Do you wanna hear the story?" Michael whispers to his sub, making sure Luke won't be uncomfortable. Luke is only uncomfortable by the way everyone is staring at him as he gives a little nod. "Read the original story." Michael instructs.

"Scorpion CEO Too Impatient, Goes Underage

Yesterday Michael Clifford, 22, owner and CEO of tech giant Scorpion, was in and outside an exclusive Darling Harbour restaurant with someone who has now been identified as 17-year-old schoolboy Luke Hemmings.

The pair was seen exiting the restaurant close to 1:30pm, where they then hugged and kissed on the footpath before going their separate ways.

Also in attendance was a girl who is thought to be a friend of Hemmings. Luke Hemmings is 17-years-old and attends a private school in Ultimo, presumably paid for with the paycheck of his mother's; lawyer, Ed Hemmings.

Clifford has been the owner and CEO of Scorpion Technology for over three years since his father retired and stepped down. He is most famous in his personal life for being nearly 23 but still a single dominant. Previously this hasn't resulted in public relationships but it seems the tide has turned and he simply can't wait any longer.

One can only imagine the devastation his soulmate and submissive will feel and how furious the boy's future dominant will be when they both come into the picture. Hemmings is certainly in need of some discipline and an unmatched dominant who isn't his soulmate clearly isn't cutting it.

Michael Clifford should have just waited.

And then there's a slew of photos attached at the bottom. Some kissing, hugging, smiles, etc."

Luke is tense in his seat, he doesn't like any of it. He hates that they know exactly what school he goes to. He hates that they brought Sierra and his mother into it, though thankfully they don't know Sierra's name yet. He hates how they slag off Michael as impatient, implying he's reckless and inappropriate.

Michael hates it all as well but when they said that Luke is in need of some discipline, he starts to see red -despite the fact Luke isn't as bothered by that sentence.
"I hate how much they know." Luke says quietly, squirming in his seat.
"Me too, and I hate how much they assume." Michael grits, the rest of the room still quiet.

"Well," Michael clears his throat as he addresses his staff. "I hadn't read most of the article, certainly not the end, and it's worse than I thought. Firstly, the girl they are referring to is Luke's best friend Sierra and she is not to be brought into this in anyway. I don't want any news site to even know her name."

Luke sends his dom a grateful smile and lightly rubs his thigh under the table, Michael doesn't respond enough for anyone else in the room to catch on but it's enough for Luke to know he received the thank you message. "Luke's mother should also be kept out of things but I don't think we'll have too much of an issue there. We will start drafting an official statement now but I also want legal involved to know on what grounds we can sue them. Defamation and/or publication of photos without consent are the two I'm thinking but legal can decide that."

"I have all this noted down, I'll go speak with legal now and you can begin your statement." Jeanette interjects as she stands up.
"Thank you, much appreciated." Michael smiles at his assistant as she walks out.

"What do you want in this statement?" One of the publicists pipes up.
"I don't want Luke's name. I basically want that they're invading our privacy and that them commenting on any submissive's need for discipline is completely out of line."
"This would encapsulate that and follow standard protocol," the same publicist replies as they type on their laptop.

"So," they clear their throat, "Michael Clifford, owner and chief executive officer of Scorpion Technology Limited, would like to officially respond to the article published in Today's Mail titled 'Scorpion CEO Too Impatient, Goes Underage'.

Mr Clifford wishes to make clear that the harassment and stalking of his company, irrespective of who they may be, is disrespectful and inappropriate.

The article is an invasion of many individual's privacy and may be legally investigated. Mr Clifford is also adamant that no further commentary will be made on any subjects of the article at this time.

Furthermore, discussion of any sort regarding any submissive's discipline is completely out of line. This is a personal subject that is only up for debate and discussion between a submissive and their dominant.

It is strongly advised that, as a matter of their own interest, any entities or individuals in possession of further facts or imagery pertaining to this story do not publish any of them. Legal action may follow for those refusing to comply."

A/N: okay kids I hope that was more interesting for you I will see you on Thursday, love you heaps :)

-Grace Williams xo

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