Chapter one hundred and two

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"Thank you so much for coming to see us." Michael jumps from his seat when Crystal arrives at his office. Luke and Michael had gotten their blood tests done yesterday and they should have their results in the next few days but it was still time to get the ball rolling on their case. Michael, of course, didn't have time to leave his office but Crystal managed to find time in her day to come to Michael's office.

"Of course, no worries at all." Crystal brushes off with a smile as she sits in a chair across from Michael's desk.
"In any case, this is Luke." Michael introduces, gesturing to the blonde boy still in the corner of the office.
"Hi." Luke blushes.
"Lovely to meet you, I'm Crystal. It's a surprise we haven't met given I've worked with your more for a few years."
"That's just life I guess." Luke mumbles awkwardly.

"Why don't you come sit with me? In a chair or my lap." Michael suggests to his sub, making the sub blush harder and shuffle across the room. Luke awkwardly sits in his dom's lap, fiddling with the hem of Michael's jacket.
"It's obvious you haven't been together very long but it's also obvious that you're soulmates." Crystal comments after observing the pair and the way they interact.
"Oh?" Michael says curiously.
"You're still learning about each other but in a way that shows how dedicated to each other you are. You're very in love." She clarifies her point but sighs quietly at the end, seemingly exasperated.

"Can I asked why you just sighed? You seem... exhausted." Michael says carefully, not wanting to offend her but curiosity getting the better of him.
"All I can say is that being unmatched at 34 sometimes takes its toll. Maybe that's why I've always been drawn to relationship cases, I want everyone to have the best possible chance with their soulmate." She explains.
"Oh. I'm sorry I'm asked." Michael frowns.
"Don't be, I know that I'm going to be blessed with such a special soulmate and relationship. It'll be worth the wait." She brushes off.
"That's good positivity to have," Luke mumbles.

"But onto the issue at hand, which, for the record, I'm very excited to help with," Crystal claps her hands together and changes the topic of the conversation. "The way to proceed is that, as we're essentially fighting the government, we will need to go straight to an administrative tribunal. We go, present the case, then we get a decision. The presentation of the case may take weeks."
"And, I don't like to think about it, but if we don't get the result we want... is there an appeals process?" Michael speaks carefully, not missing the way Luke's body tenses.
"Absolutely. All tribunal appeals go to the Supreme Court, then if we can relate it to the constitution we could even go to the high court after that." Crystal reassures them.

"So when is the hearing? How soon is it happening?" Michael asks, a little excited by the whole idea.
"I lodged the case yesterday, as priority and time sensitive. We should have an answer in the next few days. Hopefully we can be in a hearing within a fortnight."
"That's marvellous, sounds like we could have a contract by Christmas, that's fantastic." Michael beams.
"That's a good goal, my goal is just before the baby is born but maybe I should be more optimistic." Crystal hums thoughtfully.

"Though on the note of the contract," she adds, "I think it'd be best if you didn't write or even draft one at this stage."
"Oh?" Michael raises his eyebrows.
"We don't want anyone to be able to theorise that you may have a contract illegally, that you could be beneath the law at the moment." Crystal explains.
"Of course, that's reasonable." Michael concedes.
"If anything changes to that I'll let you know, but if you have no other questions I'll be getting back to the office."

"I'm fine. Luke?" Michael asks the boy on his lap.
"Um," Luke squeaks, caught a little off guard but continuing anyway, "are there any potential privacy or security risks at the tribunal?"
"I can't believe I didn't think of that." Michael pales.
"The hearing itself is not open to the public however that doesn't mean everything pertaining to the case is confidential, people can find out. Whether they will is a game of chance. And all court cases are public, so if we appeal then there's nothing to stop anyone at all attending the proceedings." Crystal answers regretfully.
"That's terrifying." Luke whispers.
"There's no way we can request confidentiality?" Michael questions hopefully.

"For the tribunal there's not really anything that can change and in the courts, it only becomes closed if we can prove there's a very real risk that someone's safety is in jeopardy." She sighs.
"So we'd actually prefer to be public because it means everyone is safe." Crystal cuts Luke off.

"Well hopefully all goes well at the tribunal, let's not dwell on this." Michael interjects.
"I'll allow you to get on with your day, thank you for having me." Crystal jumps up, moving the meeting along and closer to its end.
"No, thank you for coming." Michael insists, he and Luke both standing up as well.
"I'll pass on any updates to Jeanette, shall I?"
"Call me, because it will transfer to Jeanette anyway if I'm not free, and CC us both into the emails." Michael clarifies as they walk out of his office.
"Of course, no worries at all. Hopefully I'll be seeing you very soon at the tribunal." Crystal smiles, pressing the down button outside the elevator.
"That would be grand, thanks again." Michael grins.
"Goodbye." Luke tacks on as the elevator arrives and Crystal steps in, the doors shutting a few seconds later.

"I'm scared." Luke confesses quietly.
"Why princess?" Michael frowns.
"That the media will be so much louder, so much more prevalent. I don't think I'll be able to cope."
"I can't say anything with any certainty except that I'll always be here and that I'll do everything in my power to protect you and the baby." Michael wraps his arms around his sub's waist and pulls the younger boy closer.
"I know. Hopefully that's enough." Luke sighs, resting his head on his dom's shoulder.

A/N: some of y'all are bored with muke and I'm here to say that I think they're cute and also I was bored with cashton, there wasn't anything going on in their life. That being said, I PROMISE that there are more Cashton chapters coming soon and they're gonna be real cute.

Anywayyyyssssss I truly do love you all to the ends of the earth, thank you for the comments and love

-Grace Williams xo

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