Chapter one hundred and twenty one

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Michael went to work alone the next day. Luke didn't work because he had already planned to have the week off and he also didn't want to sit around Michael's office all day. He tried to relax at home but it was hard while they were waiting for a verdict. He took a long bath, staring contently at his very small but visible bump, before lounging around and playing with Petunia a little.

Michael was incredibly unproductive at work. He would read the same email four times and still not understand even if it was simple, he would make obvious grammar or spelling mistakes without noticing and he even had a blank and forgot what his name was when signing a document. There wasn't really anything that would help except hearing the verdict of the appeal case. It was the only thing Michael and Luke needed for their sanity at the minute.

Michael's phone rings just after 11am and he just about screams when he sees Crystal's name light up his mobile.
"Hello?" He scrambles, picking up and answering as fast as humanly possible.
"Hi, to cut the chit chat," Crystal starts.
"Please." Michael breathes out.
"The judge has a verdict. It's being delivered at 2 o'clock today."
"The judge- has a verdict." Michael heaves shakily, causing Jeanette's head to snap up like she'd been slapped.
"I'll meet you at the court at 1:30?" Crystal suggests.
"Uh- yeah, sounds good." He answered blankly, Jeanette furrowing her eyebrows and walking into her bosses office.

The phone call ends and Jeanette is quick to start asking questions as soon as Michael's phone drops to his desk.
"What do you mean the judge has a verdict? Was that Crystal?"
"Yeah, she said it's being delivered today at 2. We're meeting at the court at 1:30." Michael mumbles numbly.
"Well go home then." Jeanette shrugs as if it's obvious.
"I know how unproductive you're being and I know it's not going to improve. Go spend these couple hours with Luke. It'll fly by." She sighs, voice soft and encouraging.

"I suppose you're right." He mutters, packing up his desk and getting ready to leave. He was honestly terrified for this afternoon. The thought of them being rejected again... it makes him physically sick.
"I'll see you soon," she smiles softly, pushing him towards the elevator. "And regardless of what happens, you need to forget about work for today. Maybe tomorrow as well."
"I never forget about work."
"I said that you need to. You don't get a choice."

With that, Michael is down the elevator shaft and into the carpark. He hadn't told Luke yet, deciding he would just surprise him at home with lunch. Luke welcomes Michael with open arms, as happy as ever to see his dom, but he also knows that there's something up. Michael wouldn't ever leave work for no reason.

"What is it? What's happening?" Luke asks as the pull back from their hug and start walking towards the kitchen.
"I love you but you don't come all the way home from work just for lunch." Luke purses his lips.
"I came home to tell you," Michael sighs, continuing when Luke squeezes a little tighter. "That the judge has a verdict and we hear it at 2. We're meeting Crystal at the court at 1:30."

"Oh." Luke freezes, trying to think of how to process this.
"We can have lunch, relax. It'll all be okay baby." Michael adds calmly.
"We thought that before the first case." Luke whispers. They sit together on the couch, bowls of pasta in their laps, and eat in relative silence. There's a slight clinking of cutlery against the bowls but they're not talking. They're trying to process everything and their brains are running at a million miles a minute.

Even as they sit in the car and drive to the courthouse they still don't say a lot, just wanting each other close and present. There's a few reporters milling about, clearly waiting for them, but with the help of security they manage to get in pretty unscathed. By the time Crystal arrives 5 minutes later the group out the front is already growing from what it was. Word spread quickly.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." She rushes as she approaches them, clearly flustered.
"It's alright, all we're doing is waiting." Michael says, voice flat.
"I- wanted to talk about how things will go afterwards." She gulps. "The press will want a statement, irrespective of the result. I'm more than happy to give it on your behalf and also make clear that you will not be making statements."
"Yeah, we don't wanna talk." Michael says shakily, the thought terrifying. Luke's body language makes it clear that he agrees.
"Which is what I suspected. It's totally fine. Is there anything you do or don't want me to include in the speech?"

"Don't mention that I'm pregnant." Luke whispers, continuing on at their confused looks. "Obviously they know because of the court documents... but I still don't like the idea of it being confirmed to them."
"I think just omit as many details as possible. They don't deserve to know and they only reason anything is being said is so that it's clear it's all they'll get." Michael clips, voice getting sharper and angrier as he goes on.
"Of course, I understand all of that-" Crystal replies curtly just as they're called into the courtroom. They're all nervous again.

"The court is called to order because I have reached my decision, on behalf of the state of New South Wales, on whether to overturn the decision made in an administrative tribunal regarding the request that an exception be made to the legal requirement that both parties signing a relationship contract must be at least eighteen years of age. The decision of the tribunal was that the request was denied, thus not allowing an exemption to the requirement of both parties of a relationship contract to be 18. I conclude that I agree with the ruling of the tribunal. The appeal is denied."

Crystal freezes, breathing shallow and uneven. Michael stops breathing, airways feeling like they're tight and narrow. Luke shakes. He shakes uncontrollably and is crying in under thirty seconds. None of them can believe that this is happening.

"The court recognises that legal age is not defined in the constitution however the court believes that the socially understood legal age is adulthood, at 18 years. With its ruling the court places a recommendation on parliament to clarify this. The court sees and understands the merits of the case however feels that ruling in favour of it while the legislation stands as it does is blatantly disregards the legislation currently in place. Therefore, further recommendations are placed upon the parliament to review the Relationships, Marriages and Family Act of 1902. The court says this because, lastly, it does acknowledge that the parties of Mr. Michael Clifford and Mr. Luke Hemmings are unequivocally soulmates."

A/N: I wrote this months ago and my heart still falls out of my ass every time I read it. This is the second last chapter ahhhhh I'm SCREAMING. I can't believe this all ends so sooooonnnn. Also you may not have got a notification for Thursday's update whoops sorry about that go read 120 if you haven't already.

Lots of love

-Grace Williams xo

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