Chapter ninety four

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"That was a dick move." Calum spits over the phone.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do. I panicked." Michael apologises ashamedly.
"What am I supposed to do with them?!" Calum hisses.
"I don't know." Michael whines.

Maggie had come into Calum's office two minutes ago to inform him that Rosemary and Steven Clifford were waiting in the lobby, ready and waiting to see him. Naturally, Calum instantly called his best friend and demanded an explanation.
"Ashton's never even met them and he's already afraid of them. Do you realise what you're putting on him?" Calum groans.
"I'm sorry, I really am. You can turn them away and I'll deal with that if you want." Michael sighs.

"Will this whole endeavour help out you and Luke?" Calum asks after a few beats of silence.
"Maybe? If Ashton being submissive convinces them that Luke could or would turn the same. But Cal I'm not asking you to do-"
"Leave it with me."
"Cal I said-"
"I'm not deaf you wanker, now go get to work and leave this with me." Calum hangs up the phone before Michael can protest anymore. "Send them up," he sighs at Maggie before walking down the corridor to Ashton's office.

"I have something to tell you... not sure how you'll take it..." Calum starts slowly as he breaks the threshold of Ashton's office.
"What is it?" Ashton frowns as he looks up.
"Michael's parents are coming to visit us. Here and now." Calum gulps.
"What?" Ashton squeaks.
"Despite the fact that they're problematically conservative, they have been an influential part of my life and I've known them for many years. They just want to meet you."
"Oh. Okay then." Ashton replies softly.

"I promise you'll do great sweetheart. I genuinely think they'll really like you." Calum walks around the desk so he can pull Ashton up and wrap his arms around him.
"Really?" The younger asks skeptically.
"Yes. Just don't initiate any conversation with his father, speak when spoken to for him. But never think that your communication with me will ever be restricted, I will never put you in a situation where it is."
"Okay sir." Ashton leans in for a soft kiss, that Calum is eager to accept.
"You're perfect, never forget that."

"Steven! Rosemary! It's lovely to see you both again!" Calum beams when he reaches where they're waiting in the foyer, engaging in a firm handshake with Steven. Rosemary bows a little and Ashton keeps his head bowed as well, not wanting to disrespect them and feeling more comfortable placing his involvement in the conversation with Calum.
"This must be the infamous Ashton." Steven grins, already liking the boy.
"It certainly is; Ashton, this is Steven Clifford and his submissive Rosemary. Steven, Rosemary, this is my submissive Ashton." Calum introduces, a little too formally for it to feel natural.
"Pleasure to meet you." Ashton finally speaks, bowing slightly.

"He's so well behaved." Steven compliments but the way he says it makes Calum and Ashton feel a little sick.
"Thank you." Calum answers with a tight lipped smile. Rosemary signals to her dom that she wants to talk to Calum and he allows it. Strictly speaking, a submissive can only freely talk dominants to whom they are blood related or of course matched. The idea is outdated and barbaric.

"How long have you been matched?" Rosemary asks curiously.
"Not very long, since early July." Calum replies.
"Well he's doing spectacularly. Can I ask how he addresses you?" She digs again, making Calum internally sigh.
"He calls me sir." Calum grits, he should have seen this coming.
"That's beautiful. You have a simply gorgeous relationship." She smiles in a way that could only be described as off putting. "So many young dominants don't command respect and so many submissives don't give it."

"Do you like being a submissive Ashton? I've heard of some young subs who don't." Steven purses his lips, clearly having no qualms about deeply analysing Calum and Ashton's relationship.
"I like it a lot." Ashton answers, voice clear. "I like submitting to him, it makes me feel more comfortable within myself. He puts me at ease."

"Well, you'll certainly be a marvellous influence on Michael and his submissive."
"On Luke?" Calum can't help but respond. "Well, every relationship is different. Thank you so much for stopping by." Calum clasps his hands together and starts leading them back towards the lift.
"But just because relationships are different doesn't mean we should have to be privy to such ill behaved and disrespectful submissives. It's as if people think with each new year that passes, common courtesy becomes less essential." Steven counters.
"Thank you for stopping by, have a lovely journey home." Calum grimaces tightly.
"Great to meet you Ashton, goodbye." Steven waves as the doors of the elevator finally close.

"Dear lord they get crazier every time I see them." Maggie pipes up.
"That they do, but this superstar Ashton Irwin managed to completely dazzle them." Calum says dramatically, pulling his sub in for a kiss and relishing in the way the younger giggles.
"I'm going back to study, exams are coming up. Love you." Ashton says as he starts to slip away.
"Love you too." Calum grins as Ashton's figure retreats down the corridor.

"I told you to leave it with me." Calum says as soon as Michael picks his phone.
"They're gone? What did you do? Should I be worried?" Michael rushes.
"I dealt with it." Calum says simply. "Your parents were dazzled by Ashton, think he is marvellous and that he will be a great influence on Luke."
"So they'll sleep at night thinking that Luke will change?" Michael asks skeptically.
"I don't see what the problem is, they just need to be managed until Luke gives birth. Then they'll be fine." Calum shrugs.
"God I hope so. I already told Luke we should spend Christmas with his parents."
"And that's the positive attitude you should have." Calum cheers. "Now try and act more excited, you and your soulmate are moving in together tomorrow."

A/N: Ashton is babey and irl Ashton keeps getting babier and babier, he thrives at home. Sorry this is two days late, I've been so busy and tired. I'll see you in less than half an hour with the next chapter. Love you all :)

-Grace Williams xo

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