Chapter ninety nine

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"You did well today baby, dealt with your punishment so good." Michael smiles as they're catching the lift down to the garage.
"I got a little bored," Luke mumbles, "but I accept that." He rushes as an afterthought.
"I know." Michael chuckles. "We'll find something for you to do this week. But right now, it's time to go get Petunia."
"Yeah." Luke replies sadly.

"Why are you sad?" Michael frowns. "Aren't you excited? We're getting a dog and she's beautiful."
"She's a reminder of my first punishment."
"No." Michael says firmly. "She's a reminder of our growth. The experience made you a better submissive and me a better dominant, made us both more self-aware."
"I guess so. That is a better way of looking at it." Luke smiles softly, the two of them walking out to Michael's car -his medium SUV rather than his sleek convertible.

The drive back to the adoption centre is short and Luke is nearly bouncing out of his seat by the time they get there. Michael keeps ahold of Luke's hand so the younger is reminded of his punishment and doesn't forget in the excitement but also, in a way, so that he's reassured that he's doing well. Michael never wants Luke to forget how perfect he is.

"Hi, good to see you again. She's all ready to go." The same shop assistant from two days earlier says, as friendly and welcoming as ever.
"That's wonderful." Michael grins.
"I'm so excited." Luke squeals excitedly, looking over at Petunia in her cage at every opportunity.

After Michael has filled out all the paperwork, because Luke wasn't legally allowed to, they're led over to Petunia and Luke forgets all his worries. He loves her and Michael loves seeing his submissive so happy. Michael was more of a small dog person but he would suck it up for Luke. There's not really anything he wouldn't do for Luke.

"She's so gorgeous and perfect and beautiful." Luke beams as he holds Petunia's leash and walks back to the car.
"I'm so glad you love her." Michael says fondly.
"Do you not love her?!" Luke gasps scandalously.
"Of course I do princess, I just love how much you love her. She means a lot to you already and that's beautiful."

Luke spends the entire car ride home with his head turned toward the backseat so he can stare at Petunia and coo at her. Michael can't help but think of how perfect Luke will be with their actual baby.

"Now obviously we shouldn't leave her home alone just yet, so I'll allow you to stay at home alone for tomorrow. But we're staying on video call the entire day." Michael decides as they arrive home, each getting out of the car and Luke opening the backdoor to allow Petunia to freely get out.
"Thank you thank you thank you." Luke grins widely, throwing his arms around his dom as Petunia trots past them.

Luke sets up Petunia's bed, food and water before happily showing her around the house for hours. Michael looks on fondly as he prepares dinner.
"I love her so much." Luke sighs happily as they sit down to eat.

Michael takes pity Luke and his pregnant body the next morning, letting him stay asleep even if that's possibly against the punishment. He still sets up a tablet on video call and leaves it on the bedside table but it feels too creepy to watch, the fleeting kiss he leaves on his sub's forehead as he leaves is enough to get him through the morning.

Luke starts to stir awake just after 8am and Michael looks over at the screen that's on the video call.
"Good morning princess." Michael smiles, causing Luke to nearly hit the ceiling with a look of horror plastered across his face.
"Oh my god!" He breathes out erratically. "I did not expect you there." Luke huffs as he stared at the camera and tablet screen.
"That much is clear." Michael chuckles. "But I'm sorry, a heart rate that fast probably isn't good for the baby."
"I'm sure it's not." Luke purses his lips.
"The only defence I have is that I did warn you before I left."
"It was 6 something am and I was barely awake, it doesn't count." Luke replies flatly.

"Well in any case, good morning." Michael says chirpily.
"Morning." Luke mumbles, flopping back onto his pillows.
"Do you have any plans for today?"
"I don't think so, play with Petunia? Is Sierra allowed over?" Luke asks thoughtfully.
"Sure but you've gotta stay on this call." Michael reminds him.
"Can I-"
"You know her, if you believe she won't tell anyone then you're free to tell her the truth." Michael shrugs.
"I don't know if I wanna tell her." Luke pouts.
"Well that's up to you, but I'm not changing the rules if you invite her over."
"That's fair." Luke mutters.

Luke leaves Michael to stare at an empty bed while he showers before going downstairs to see Petunia who was happily exploring the backyard.
"You know, I don't hate this. Being on a video call while you're at work." Luke decides while he's milling around the kitchen and putting his breakfast together.
"I like it too. I get to be at work, you get to be comfortable at home, but we both get to see each other."

Luke decides to invite Sierra over and texts her about it while he's eating breakfast, even if Michael takes the opportunity to tell him that it's not good for your digestive system to eat and be on the phone at the same time. Luke points out that they're literally on a video call the whole time.

Luke - Sierra: Hey, wanna catch up today?

Sierra - Luke: Yes that sounds great, where?

Luke - Sierra: Come over to mine, you can see our new house AND meet our new dog

Sierra - Luke: You got a dog?!

Luke - Sierra: :P

Sierra - Luke: Mans is at work?

Luke - Sierra: Sorta... I'll explain when you get here.

A/N: I would marry Sierra Deaton, bet. Next chapter is more exciting. I'm not saying I will forget to update on Thursday but also don't be surprised if I do forget. Sorry, life happens. Love you all, thanks always :)

-Grace Williams xo

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