Chapter twenty five

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"Now that they're gone, ask me anything on your mind." Calum chuckles as he leads Anne Marie to the couch so they can chat in comfort.
"Well I guess I should start with the obvious, where will he do his school work?"
"Ah, of course." Calum says in understanding. "I want to start by saying that I strongly value the power of education and so he will absolutely graduate and I will also encourage him to go to uni, though there'll be plenty of time in the future to discuss more long term things."
"That is pleasing to hear. I take it then you have a degree?"
"Of course, my father never would have let me have the company without one. It's a commerce degree from the University of Sydney."
"Very nice. I just wasn't sure because some people inherit companies seemingly with no qualifications other than the right DNA."
"That is true, I have to deal with them." Calum laughs.

"But to answer your question, nothing is decided. I did ask Ashton Friday but at that stage he didn't want to talk about school. The main options are, at this stage, that he can do it here while I'm at work -though I do worry about him being lonely- or at a space in my company's building. He could even do it at the library in the city if that's what he wanted. I'll let him decide but don't worry, I'll ensure it all gets done."
"Marvellous. Though the more I've seen today the less fear I have, my other concern was about the split of housework. We've all heard the uh, sorry to even insinuate this, domestic abuse stories of subs nearly becoming slaves."
"No no, it's alright. It's a serious issue and I understand that you're only looking out for your son." Calum replies, sure to not let his slight discomfort show. Anne Marie smiles back thankfully.

"I'm sure this won't surprise you but I have a maid. She comes Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She does basically all the cleaning and the washing of clothes and linens and things. Between that I just keep on top of the dishes and wipe down the kitchen after I cook, Ashton wouldn't have to do anymore. I don't intend to do any less because he's here. I told him this and I will make it clear to you as well, Ashton and I are equals. We have different roles in the relationship but they equal. Different, not less or more."
"You couldn't give more textbook perfect answers if you tried." She laughs a little.
"I'm pleased to hear it."

"My only question for you," Calum starts, causing the older woman to look up curiously. "Is what night should we come round for dinner each week?" Anne Marie lets out a hearty laugh.
"Whatever day suits you best, though perhaps not a school night is best given the distance and how excitable the younger two are likely to be."
"Of course. Well, if that's everything for now, I'll let you get on with your day and I'll see you in the morning."

Calum goes to stand up but she lightly puts an arm out to stop him.
"Wait, Calum, with all due respect, why will I be seeing you in the morning?"
"Oh." Calum smirks, sitting back down. "It seems Ashton hasn't told you."
"Hasn't told me what?" She raises her eyebrows accusingly.

"Ashton and I discussed, on Friday, him moving in on Monday -tomorrow."
"Did you now?"
"Do you have a problem with that? What day were you anticipating?" Calum answers, not wanting to do anything she's not okay with in regards to Ashton's move.
"I expected it to be in the next week, maybe two, but I didn't have a day in mind. There's nothing wrong with him moving tomorrow if he's ready, it's just come quite soon."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced or there to be any resentment."
"That's very kind of you, I appreciate it, but I can't possibly feel any resentment towards you whilst you make Ashton so happy. And I'm sure, tomorrow will be okay." Anne Marie sends Calum one last reassuring smile before standing up and going to rally up her children.

It's crazy to think her sons moving out of home tomorrow but as soon as she weighs the pros and cons it's a no brainer. Ashton's leaving school anyway because it's become miserable and with the way he and Calum seem to embody the term soul mates it would be cruel to keep them apart. Ashton got the soulmate she always wished he would have so she's letting him go with that comforting thought in her heart.

Ashton, Lauren and Harry were snuggled on the large couch in the cinema room while Ashton quietly and patiently answered all their questions -including the 'when' question that it was all happening tomorrow.
"Come on, time to go. Let's give Calum one last night alone and go have dinner together at home." Anne Marie says, all her children groaning to express their distaste at getting up from the plush couch. Calum chuckles fondly from the staircase.
"Give me a piggyback." Lauren demands, jumping onto her older brothers back before he can object.

"Bye?" Ashton says awkwardly to Calum as they stand at the front door, Lauren still sitting on him.
"You can kiss." She rolls her eyes. "Just don't drop me." Calum chuckles, leaning in to kiss his sub so the younger doesn't really have to move and he can keep his balance.
"Bye Sweetheart, see you tomorrow." Calum smiles as they pull away and Ashton smiles too.

Ashton gets to the car and Lauren, still not wanting to budge, forces him to kind of gently throw her into the back seat and the laugh she lets out is infectious. Their mother starts the car and Ashton jumps in the front, grabbing the kiss Calum blows him just as he does.
"You're really sappy." Lauren points out observationally as they drive away.

A/N: I'm so soft I love themmmm like I love youuuuuuu all for reading and commenting :)

-Grace Williams xo

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