Chapter sixty

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Ashton - Carla: How do I tell Calum I'm ready for sex?

Carla - Ashton: Say "Calum. Jump me"

Ashton - Carla: I can't believe you're the only submissive I can turn to for help

Carla - Ashton: Maggie and I had sex in our original contract but I know you don't, maybe just start by asking for a contract review? Tell him you're horny? I'm genuinely sorry I'm not more helpful :/

"You okay Sweets?" Calum asks softly as he steps into his office, though Ashton is still startled and caught off guard.
"I- um-" Ashton squeaks. "Can we review the contract?"
"Of course, is everything okay?" Calum frowns.
"I'm horny?" Ashton says unsurely, walking out of the room as soon as he realises what he said.

Calum opens his mouth to call something out but he can't find the words so instead he just chases his submissive down the corridor.
"Wait." Calum reaches out and wraps his hand around Ashton's wrist, causing the younger to stop dead in his tracks. "Talk to me, please."
"Um." Ashton swallows thickly as he turns to face his dom. "I don't really know how to say it and I texted Carla for advice and that's what I was saying before but clearly she wasn't helpful at all and I still don't know how to stay it but I wanna talk about and maybe have sex." He lets it out all in one breath.
"Let's talk in your office? I don't think we should be doing it out here." Calum calmly guides Ashton into his office and they position themselves in an armchair. Ashton settles easily into Calum's lap, it's a place he's becoming increasingly comfortable in.

"Did you want to say anything else? Or just that you want to prompt this conversation?" Calum starts gently.
"I'm... I want to have sex." Is all Ashton can manage to get out.
"Have you ever mastaurbated?" Calum asks, tone a little formal.
"Many times," Ashton blushes.
"Good. I would never say yes if you hadn't. Recently?"
"Yeah. In the shower."

"Do you..." Calum begins slowly. "Have any idea what sort of things you'll be into? Or do you think you'll want more vanilla?"
"No, I-" Ashton gulps, "I like submitting to you. I reckon the bedroom will be the same."
"What do you think we start pretty vanilla, no accessories. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to submit to me if that's what you want. Then you can see how you liked it and we'll talk about taking it further, with accessories and otherwise." Calum suggests.
"Okay." Ashton rests his head contently in his dom's chest. "Can I read your list of kinks and boundaries yet?"
"After we try it like this. Still don't want to pressure you." Calum hums.
"You're not, I promise." Ashton pouts.
"Good, I'm glad. But no. This is all about you and making you feel good."
"I wanna make it about you. You know I wanna give more to you."

"Can I ask what Carla said about that last week?" Calum runs a hand through Ashton's hair as he speaks.
"The main thing was that because we both live for each other then that just comes back on ourselves and means we shouldn't be scared to prioritise ourselves." Ashton presses into his dom's touch.
"She's right."
"I really don't feel like you prioritise yourself." Ashton mumbles, which just makes Calum him deeply.

"Now that we've had this discussion, we can do it whenever. Then we'll talk again." Calum informs him.
"Tonight?" Ashton asks hopefully.
"If you want." Calum chuckles a little at how keen he is.
"I wasn't lying when I said I was horny." Ashton blushes.

They sit contently in silence for a few minutes before Calum reminds them that they both have work to do, himself especially right now. Ashton reluctantly gets up, though he doesn't let Calum leave until he's given him a deeper than usual kiss.

"All is good?" Maggie asks nosily when Calum gets back to his office.
"It's fantastic." Calum grins cheekily as he sits down.
"Do you think there's any relation between what you just talked about and Carla texting me 'jump me please' with the sweating emoji?" She muses.
"I can't comment on that." Calum mutters.
"I, of course, have no objections to jumping my beautiful wife at any time of day, and whilst it's not unlike her to be so blunt, it's not her most common phrasing." She accompanies her words with big, loose hand gestures.
"And what is her most common phrasing?" Calum teases. 
"Generally it's along the lines of 'I'm horny' or 'can't wait for you to fuck me'. Sometimes it's just the sweating emoji and the tongue emoji." Maggie shrugs, making Calum roll his eyes and proceed to go on with his work without continuing the conversation. Michael finally texts him back.

Michael - Calum: Speak of which devil exactly

Calum - Michael: My sex life

Michael - Calum: No way

Calum - Michael: Yes in fact

Michael - Calum: So tonight you lose your soulmate virginity and tomorrow we celebrate?

Calum - Michael: Good god sometimes I swear you're an actual child

Michael - Calum: I could hear that eye roll from here don't strain the ligaments

Ashton feels like he needs to chain himself to his desk to refrain from speeding to his dom's office long before it's time for them to go home. He's significantly more excited for this than he thought he would be. The idea of being so close to his soulmate, losing his virginity to his soulmate -it was intoxicating. Not to mention he was a horny teenage boy who was more than ready to experience something other than his own hand.

"You didn't come get me." Calum frowns, stepping into Ashton's office at ten past five.
"I- um- sor-" Ashton stumbled over his words and it's easy to tell he's worked up about the whole thing.
"Let's just go home, yeah?" Calum cuts off with a smile.
"Please." Ashton says desperately.

"Thank god you're ready, let's go," Maggie cries in relief when Calum and Ashton approach the lift.
"You could've gone home Mags." Calum deadpans, Ashton staying silent and on edge in the corner of the lift. He doesn't think he could form a coherent sentence at the moment.
"You know I never leave before you, but after working all weekend I'm more than ready to get out of here." She replies matter of factly. "Not to mention my wife asked me to jump her and I'd like to fulfill that wish as soon as possible."

Ashton blushes impossibly red but still doesn't say anything, even as they reach the car park and go to their respective cars. He just waves to Maggie a little and fails dismally at hiding how obviously he just wants to go home.

"Already half hard for me Sweetheart?" Calum teases, only eliciting a whine from his sub in the passenger seat. The whole car ride home Calum leaves a hand on the younger's thigh, just resting there gently -only enough pressure for Ashton to never forget its presence.

A/N: so that's what Ashton wanted to talk about huh inch resting

I talked the other day about potentially stopping ease. You'd get the rest of it because the whole story is written but I would abandon the sequel and not really engage with the story beyond what I needed to to post. Alternatively, I rework the whole thing as original fiction. It may still happen but I think I'm too in love with the story and characters to stop. This barely feels like a fanfic in my head anymore.

Editing this was hard but I persevered for you. Thank you for your endless support, even though I can't for many reasons tell you what happened that nearly ruined this for me. Know that it was at its core a good thing.

I'll be back very soon with the next chapter because I didn't update yesterday. Sorry this is long, you all mean the world to me.

-Grace Williams xo

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