Chapter one hundred and nine

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IMPORTANT: please go leave questions on the character ask chapter, between 77 and 78. I feel like it got buried a little. I'll be answering them in 2-3 weeks and want to make sure you've picked the characters brains to your hearts content. Thank you, enjoy.

"I'll be back in less than seven days, maybe even sooner than we expect." Calum tries to reassure his sub, the two hugging tightly in Ashton's childhood bedroom. Calum and Ashton had gone to Ashton's mother's house for Sunday lunch and then Calum would go to the airport afterwards. Ashton didn't want to go to the airport; he didn't think he would be able to handle it.

Ashton buries his head deeper in Calum's chest, he never wants to let go.
"It's gonna be such a long week." Ashton replies sadly, voice muffled.
"You can reach me anytime, I promise. Even if it's the middle of the night in London. I absolutely promise you can call me whenever you want." Calum talks in a way that is both gentle and firm, lightly stroking Ashton's hair as he does.
"What if you're in a meeting or something?" Ashton asks, looking up with wide and nervous eyes.
"Then Maggie will have my phone so that she can keep a watch out for any messages from you."

"So... Carla's gonna be alone this week? That's sad." Ashton frowns, it wasn't the first he was hearing about Maggie's attendance on the trip but he'd be thinking about it and he had questions.
"Yeah, Maggie's had to come away with me for work before though. Carla is another person you can talk to this week if you need something." Calum hums. "Everyone is here to make this comfortable for you."
"I know." Ashron gulps. "Even though you're the one in a crisis. It makes me feel guilty."
"No." Calum is quick to reply, voice snappy. Ashton jumps a little. "I just-" The dom softens, "please don't feel guilty. It's always hard the first time a couple are apart after being paired and then living together, especially for the submissive. To being doing this during your exams is incredible. I'm so proud of you."
"I don't have a choice." Ashton mutters, clearly unhappy, it was understandable though so Calum doesn't say anything.

Calum eventually has to leave, heading back into the living room to say goodbye to Ashton's family and a particular thank you to his mother. Calum and Ashton do another tight hug and meaningfully deep kiss but try not to allow themselves to dwell. Both of them are misty eyed as Calum drives away. Ashton and his family watch a movie together but it's evident that Ashton's out of it, would rather be curled up in bed doing nothing.

Calum drives back home and when he gets there Maggie and Carla are waiting for him, Carla was driving them both to the airport. Conversation is light and Calum spends the entire trip staring at Maggie and Carla's linked fingers with dismay. Spending a week without Ashton and having to deal with a work crisis at the same time feels like a terrible combination.

"Now what do you wanna talk about frowny face?" Maggie muses once they're through security and Carla has left.
"Sounds like you already know what you wanna say." Calum mutters glumly, planting himself in one of the faux leather chairs of the first class lounge.
"I could... tell you now why I didn't need to talk to Carla before I booked the trip? There's that conversation. Which I know I said was for the flight but if we get it out of the way now then you can relax once we board." Maggie replies airily.
"Fine." Calum sighs dramatically. "Tell me about how perfect your relationship is."

"It has nothing to do with perfection, which you very well know we don't have. No one does." Maggie says sternly. "But, it's about the fact that we know each other -something that can only come from time. In this situation it was about her knowing me, and me knowing she knows me."
"My head hurts too much for this." Calum groans, throwing his head back against the chair.
"She knows how important my career is to me and that this is part of that, and I know she knows that. And I know that she'll be okay. In some ways a good relationship requires less communication. Just trust and understanding of each other." Maggie explains it all and even if Calum was listening, which he was, he doesn't take the key point from it that he probably should have.

"So you really see this a long term career? You're just an assistant, even though you have a business degree. It was the first proper job you had out of university. Our generation is supposed to have dozens of jobs in our life." Calum diverts the topic of conversation completely but it's something that's crossed his mind in the past.
"You know I always like being an exception to a rule." Maggie winks. "Besides, will you have dozens of jobs in your life? Didn't think so."
"I could." Calum huffs.
"But you won't." She rolls her eyes.

Their flight is called for boarding and Maggie is bouncing out of her seat, always eager to fly first class at the expense of her boss. Calum is more reluctant, dreading the feeling of how much he'll miss Ashton. That was another reason Maggie was holding up better at the moment, she was more used to leaving Carla. It's not as if she loved that aspect of her job but it happened semi-regularly nonetheless.

Calum and Maggie take their seats in the pointy end of the plane and settle in, quickly taking advantage of the champagne. The flights are the only time they would ever allow themselves to drink on a work trip so sue them for taking advantage of that. Calum's messaging Ashton as well, it being the only time he'll use in flight wifi. Calum promises Maggie he'll have her desk reorganised by a child if she tells anyone that he's contactable during the flight. He will only acknowledge Ashton.

It was a reasonable dinner time when they were served a meal at the start of the flight but afterwards they're happily snuggling into their recliners each with their own movie. Calum leans over to his assistant just before she can start whatever she's watching, voice a quiet but clear mumble.
"You never told me whether you see this as a long term career."

A/N: heyyyyy I hope you all enjoyed that. Last night, when I was 28k into the sequel, decided to scrap it and start again so yeehaw to that. I feel a lot better about it now and I don't think this will delay how soon you receive it. Go send character asks and remember I love each and every one of you :)

-Grace Williams xo

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