Chapter sixty seven

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Despite the impending move and everything chaotic that's going on, Calum and Ashton still manage to develop some normalcy; a routine. They still wake up at 6:30, get to work around 7:30, go through their day as usual, then they go to the modelling office for an hour after work before getting home and either cooking a late dinner or getting takeaway.

Friday is business as usual, the day finishing with dinner at Ashton's family house. They talk about the move, Ashton endlessly raving about how perfect the house is, and also mention their upcoming trip to New York and Tokyo. There's a lot to talk about, making Ashton and Calum stay later than usual.

Saturday is a lazy day, a chance for them to stay in and talk about their plans both in terms of the move and their overseas trip.
"I've been thinking," Calum hums, feeling comfortable with Ashton's head on his chest. "It's generally easiest if we let movers have their space, get out of their hair. How would you feel if we stayed with my parents next weekend?"
"Oh. I haven't even met them." Ashton squeaks.
"I know and the idea of staying with them upon first meeting is probably daunting but I promise they're lovely. They live 45 minutes north, up in the bush. Still on the coast, but bush." Calum explains gently, trying to reassure his sub.
"I mean... if we have to get out of the house anyway it seems like a good idea. I'm just nervous."
"You'll be fine Sweetheart. My parents will love you, especially given my sister is a dom too. They'll appreciate the fresh air of a young sub."

Calum confirms it with his parents, they'll arrive Friday after work and then on Monday after work they'll go back to their new house.

Even though Michael and Calum have already caught up twice during the week, they still keep their weekend catch up as usual. This weekend it's a Sunday brunch, Luke's there as well but that's not exactly a surprise. In just over a week the underage blonde firecracker had firmly cemented his place in Michael's life. Michael was definitely not complaining.

"When are you heading off?" Maggie waltzes into Calum's office around 4pm the following Thursday, following a very mundane and routine week.
"5..." Calum says confusedly, not sure why the question was warranted.
"I can't believe you've forgotten!" She exclaims.
"Forgotten what exactly?" Calum raises his eyebrows.
"Michael's release." Maggie stresses.
"Oh shit."
"But seriously, how did you forget?" She shakes her head.
"'Cause Mike's been so busy we haven't really talked this week, not since Sunday. I've been thinking about the move and the trip." Calum explains frantically.

"Back to my original question, when are you leaving?"
"4:30? Starts at 6 right?" He suggests.
"Correct. Dinner at 6, party at 7." She confirms.
"Okay we'll head off at 4:30, maybe a little before, can you go tell Ashton for me?"
"On it." She calls out, already on her way down the corridor.

"Hello!" Maggie chirps as she sticks her head into Ashton's office.
"Oh hey." Ashton looks up with a smile.
"So Calum's an idiot," Maggie starts, "and he forgot that today is Scorpion phone launch day."
"Oh." Is all Ashton can think to reply.
"Anyway," she rolls her eyes, "you'll be leaving here in around twenty minutes. Then you've gotta go home and there's a dinner at 6 and a party thing at 7."
"That's a lot." Ashton comments, already feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of it.
"The dinner isn't very big. It's just close friends and family, a few department heads at Scorpion. It's just Michael saying thanks to the really influential people. Then the party... that's chaotic."
"Chaotic how?" Ashton gulps.
"So already today Michael will have done a publicised talk about the product, the party is hundreds of people. Michael saying thanks to everyone, some press asking questions. Everyone congratulating Michael and the company." Maggie says, leaning against the doorframe.

"Do you think it'll be easier or harder than the modelling showcase?" Ashton wonders aloud, already packing up his books.
"There could be more attention on you, there's attention on Calum. He has the very important role of keeping Michael as calm as possible."
"Oh god." Ashton groans.
"But on the other hand, you'll have me and Carla. We won't be at the dinner but we'll be at the party. If you need space or attention or reassurance or anything else at all, come find us or just text us." Her voice goes stern, making sure Ashton knows he can approach them throughout the evening.
"Thanks." He smiles softly.
"Even if you spend the whole evening with us and ditch Cal, no one will mind. Including him."

Calum and Ashton meet at the lifts a few minutes before 4:30, Calum apologising for failing to mention tonight's event. Ashton doesn't mind, less time to get anxious about it. They go home and change, not having a lot of time, and leave the house in their penguin suits not much before 6.

"Thank god you're here." Michael mutters, scrambling over to Calum and Ashton as soon as they're in the door.
"Christ, are you okay? Why are you so stressed?" Calum asks his best friend, aware of the frantic state the older was in.
"I just am. I did the presentation, that's the easy part. I'm stressed about after this, there's so many people and they're gonna have so many fucking questions." Michael groans.
"And what did you do this afternoon, after the presentation?" Calum asks calmly as he leads Michael over to their places at the table.
"Luke. It was his idea but god did I need him."
"You had sex for hours?" Calum deadpans.
"No." Michael groans. "We had sex a bit but mostly we just talked. He's so fucking perfect Cal." Michael sighs happily at the end and, figuring desperate times call for desperate measures, that's prompts Calum to make Michael keep talking about Luke. The blonde boy calms him down just by existing.

A/N: I relate to Michael on a spiritual level, Luke calms me down just by existing also. Happiest of New Years to you all, may 2020 be full of greatness. Long nye post on my Wattpad message board and twitter.

Also Australia is really going through it right now please be aware of our fire crisis and donate if you can, educate others. The death toll is around 10 people, from three different states, including three NSW fire fighter volunteers.

Lots of love and hopefully rain in 2020 ❤️

-Grace Williams xo

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