Chapter thirty four

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Calum scans the food court for what feels like a million times, he never sees Ashton and that concerns him more than it should. Ashton could've gone out for lunch, that wouldn't bother Calum, but it's nearly two hours since anyone's seen Ashton -to his knowledge- and that isn't a comforting thought. Maybe he just needs space, maybe he's overwhelmed by the new way of doing school and the new environments. Still, Calum needs to text him for his own peace of mind.

Calum - Ashton: Just checking you're okay Sweets. Let me know if you need anything. Xo

Ashton flounders for his phone the moment he hears his dom's alert sound and he stares at the black letters for a long moment. Then he realises that this can't possibly be making him a better sub and typing out a textbook perfect reply as fast as he can.

Ashton - Calum: I'm wonderful Calum. Thank you.

It feels ickily formal but Ashton thinks it's necessary. Calum notices how unaffectionate it looks but decides not to push it.

Calum - Ashton: Anytime. I'm always here for YOU first and foremost. Xo

Ashton doesn't want to ask for anything, overstep his boundaries as a submissive, as he's sure that's why he's in this mess in the first place. Regardless, he needs to in order to be a good submissive and please Calum. It will pay off. That's what he keeps telling himself as he slowly types a reply.

Ashton - Calum: Today has been a lot of changes for me. May I go home now? I promise to do a full day or longer to make it up tomorrow.

These are possibly the weirdest texts Calum has ever received from Ashton and he's got half a mind to have Michael trace Ashton's phone. Though it's clear Ashton wants space right now so he respects that.

Calum - Ashton: Of course Darling. Go home and relax, don't think about tomorrow. Text Alec to come pick you up 0400 000 000, I'll be home around 5/5:30. Xoxo

Ashton - Calum: Thank you. Xo

Ashton toyed with the idea of using more formal and standard dom titles in his texts but decided against it, not wanting Calum to suspect anything. Ashton waits in the toilets another twenty minutes, to assure himself Calum is definitely gone, before he even texts Alec to pick him up.

Calum caught the lift back up to his office just after he received Ashton's last text, not replying in a bid to give his sub space. Calum frowns the whole journey to his office, that he does on autopilot, sitting at his desk and staring at his black computer screen for five minutes before Maggie walks into his office and mirrors his frown.
"What's wrong?" She asks. "Did you find Ashton?"
"Not exactly..." He says numbly, still for the life of him not being able to understand what was happening.

"You were the last person of us to see him, when you gave him his textbook back, did he seem off?" Calum says blankly, slowly looking up at his assistant.
"No... he seemed normal. Chirpy even. Calum... what's going on?" Her voice is becoming increasingly worried.
"I don't know." His voice is quiet and it cracks a little towards the end.
"Work with me, not against me." She presses, trying to fix the issue but right now she may as well be talking to a brick wall. Calum says nothing, just hands her his phone with his last conversation with Ashton open on the screen.

"Oh..." She says slowly.
"What do I do? Why is he suddenly so distant?" Calum asks, feeling completely lost right now.
"He just needs space." Maggie says after a deep breath. "You're moving quite fast and it's probably just catching up with him. I'm sure he doesn't regret anything and that he just needs to be alone for a minute to process all that's been going on."
"You sure?"
"Yep." Her voice wavers a little but she tries to cover it. She's not sure. This still doesn't feel right but she has no other answer and the last thing she wants right now is to stress Calum out more. "I'll be right back."

Maggie scurries to her desk and quickly makes a phone call, keeping her voice too muffled for Calum to decipher what's going on.
"Pack up. You're doing on a playdate." She says with no room for discussion when she walks back into the large office.
"I- what-" Calum sputters.
"You're not going to be able to get a thing done here but we know you can't go home right now, so you're going to Michael's office. He's ready and waiting for you."
"I can't impose on him like that, he has a launch coming up." Calum shakes his head.
"Friends don't just allow you to turn up when it's convenient, that's what acquaintances are for. Friends are there when they're needed. Now go." She replies firmly. "If you do want to work, or at least tell yourself you're working, then take your laptop."

Calum pouts but packs up his things under her heavy stare. A few times he opens his mouth and considers protesting a little more but Maggie silently shuts him down before he has the chance.
"I will see you in the morning, assuming all is well. You told him you were his dom before you were anything else. Honour that by not coming to work tomorrow if you're still talking things out with him." Maggie presses as she walks with Calum to the lift.
"I've already taken a day and a half off this week now though, I-"
"Did you seriously hear nothing I just said? Relationship first dumbass. Goodbye." She rolls her eyes before pushing him into the lift and texting him after the doors close.

Maggie - Calum: You won't get a thing done tomorrow if tension is still high anyway but don't worry, everything will be okay. Love you loser

Calum - Maggie: Love you too Mags. Thanks.

A/N: Friends don't just allow you to turn up when it's convenient, that's what acquaintances are for. Friends are there when they're needed. One of my favourite lines of the book, it's important. It's 3am now though so gn lovelies :)

-Grace Williams xo

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