Chapter eighty five

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"I'm so nervous to be meeting your parents tomorrow." Luke confesses as he and Michael sit in a small city café. It's a Thursday afternoon on which Luke's classes had finished early, so he and his dom met up as soon as they were able.
"I promise it'll be fine. They already know I've met my submissive and they honestly can't wait to meet you. The only thing we need to tell them is that you're pregnant." Michael reassures.
"Don't they not like sex before marriage?" Luke asks skeptically.
"No... but they'll deal with it. I'm fully prepared to lecture them on what year it is. Besides, I'm an only child. Which means any grandkids can only come from you. They won't abandon that." Michael adds, holding Luke's hands in his.

"We don't have a house yet!" Luke exclaims. "What will we tell them about living arrangements? Will they approve of us living together?"
"Of course. How else would a submissive 'learn how to behave'? We'll just tell them that we're moving into a house together next week." Michael informs, rolling his eyes when he quotes his parents.
"But we haven't even started looking yet, how could we possibly find a house that fast?" Luke panicks.
"Relax baby, how about we go look at some now?" Michael offers, standing up and extending a hand to Luke.

"Look at houses? Now?" Luke blanches as they walk back to Michael's car, a sleek black Hood convertible.
"Why not? You have the afternoon free don't you?"
"Yeah, I guess. Let's go." Luke eventually warms up to the idea, waiting patiently as Michael calls a real estate agent about if there's any properties available to look at now.

"I registered interest with a few agents, just for them to let me know if they find anything. I didn't get very specific. We want a few bedrooms, something family friendly. Do you mind?" Michael says after he hangs up the phone and starts driving.
"Not really, I've been busy with school. I trust you."
"Thanks baby." Michael smiles, linking fingers with Luke over the middle console.

"How do you know where to go?" Luke furrows his eyebrows when Michael continues to weave out of the city, nothing typed into the GPS.
"They texted me the address and I know where it is." Michael shrugs.
"You're that good at local geography huh?" Luke muses.
"That good." Michael grins. Luke is skeptical, this entire operation seems a little off. Still, he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't say a word. His trust is in Michael.

Soon they're pulling up in front of what looks to be nicely renovated white weatherboard cottage.
"It's beautiful." Luke says in awe as they get out of the car and make their way up the tiled marble pathway.
"I agree. Feels very family-ish."
"It does." Luke sighs happily, resting his head on his doms shoulder. The front door is soon being opened by a man in a crisp blue suit who welcomes them inside.

"Michael, Luke, come on in. Pleasure to meet you Luke, my name's Ryden."
"Nice to meet you," Luke takes the offered handshake with a charming smile.
"This is a newly renovated home. Four bedrooms and a study, two living spaces, three bathrooms, everything you could possibly need. Feel free to look around at your leisure." Ryden hands them a brochure with a floor plan on it and quietly goes to the back living room to give them space.

"What do you think?" Michael asks as Luke happily pokes around the master suite upstairs.
"It's stunning." Luke beams. "Such a big en-suite and wardrobe, two great bedrooms for future children. It's perfect."
"That's fantastic." Michael grins, kissing his sub on the lips as they walk back down the stairs.
"There's nothing I can fault about this house. It's everything." Luke exclaims as he runs his hands across the expanse of the marble island bench in the kitchen. He thinks he sees the slightest bit of a smirk flash across Ryden's face but it's gone so fast he assumes he imagined it.

"Let's go look at the study, the floor plan shows that it's a seperate entrance. Maybe that'll allow me to get some work done." Michael jokes as they walk through the backyard.
"Are you calling me a distraction?" Luke scoffs.
"The best kind." Michael teases.

They step into the study and it's small but perfectly laid out to maximise the space.
"I like this. It has a good vibe. Feels like you could be productive in here." Luke decides as he looks around.
"That reminds me, there's something I've been meaning to give you." Michael says and when Luke turns around, Michael has a blank envelope in his hands.
"Oh?" Luke asks skeptically.
"Open it." Michael nudges the envelope into his sub's hands.

"I'm questioning this." Luke purses his lips.
"Stop that. Just read it." The older chuckles, so Luke complies and unfolds the few stapled pages of paper from the envelope.


"Is this..." Luke gasps quietly, quickly reading over all of it and flicking through the pages. "You bought it!" He squeals, jumping into Michael's arms and squeezing as tight as he possibly can.
"I didn't want you to stress about it so I started looking as soon as we talked about it a few weeks ago. I hope you don't mind."
"No. You chose perfectly. When did it go through?" Luke reassures his dom.
"Last week, this week an interior designer was busy filling it." Michael answers as they make their way back inside.
"Does that mean-" Luke starts, eyes wide and excited.
"Everything you see here, is ours. It's ready to move in."

Ryden - Michael: I've left the key I had in the kitchen, good luck with everything and let me know if you need anything else.

Michael shows Luke the text and Luke just shakes his head.
"I can't believe you've been conspiring to trick me."
"Do you mind?"
"Not when it's something like this. And don't think I didn't notice before how close we are to my parents." Luke replies before his face softens and he makes eye contact with his dom. "Thank you."

A/N: they have a house! It's a very pretty house. All the houses in the story are real houses in the right area of Sydney for each character/couple that I've found through sale listings, would y'all like the links???? You wanna see the houses???? Maybe I'll make a Pinterest board or sumn idk let me know. Love y'all :)

-Grace Williams xo

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