Chapter fifty nine

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After a stressful weekend, which included working all day Sunday, Calum feels significantly less willing to face Monday than usual. The alarm goes off at 6:30am, as always, and Calum's usual eagerness is replaced by a groan.
"You did it. Today will be much less stressful." Ashton reminds his dom softly, bringing up the fact that yesterday evening they finally found the cause of the issue -a dodgy supplier. They worked out exactly which cars were affected, knew how to prevent it ever happening again and released a public statement and dealt with the fallout.

The morning is sluggish and Michael's invitation to lunch is greatly appreciated.
"I'm going for lunch with Michael, do you want to come?" Calum sticks his head into his sub's office just before 1pm.
"No thanks, I'll be alright. Don't wanna interrupt your bro time." Ashton shakes his head.
"You're more than welcome to interrupt absolutely anything I do." Calum shoots back humorously.
"Enjoy lunch." Ashton grins.
"If you insist. You should break soon anyway. Love you Darling." Calum gives in, kissing Ashton as he finishes talking.
"Love you too."

"I can't believe I'm taking a lunch break, there's still so much to do." Calum sighs exasperatedly as he sinks into a chair across from Michael.
"Exactly why. You've done the bulk of it right?" Michael pursed his lips.
"Yeah, finished a lot yesterday. But there's more. Always is after something like this." Calum says matter of factly.
"It'll settle over time." The older shrugs.

They order their food and sit in their thoughts until Calum, previously too occupied by the thought of how much work is waiting for him, notices how restless Michael was. Calum also picks up on how Michael was seemingly trying to hide it.
"What's up?" Calum quirks a brow.
"Who? Me?" Michael questions as if he was caught with his hand still in the cookie jar.
"Mm hm. What's going on? Distract me from work." Calum muses.
"Well, if you insist, I suppose I'll mention that Luke came home with me Friday night." Michael answers lowly.
"He what?!" Calum whisper shouts.
"I didn't stutter." The blonde mutters.

"Give me all the details." Calum says quietly, using a tone that reminds them both of the nature of this conversation.
"He came back with me, we slept together. I drove him home Saturday. Yesterday we talked on the phone for hours. All we know is that we will definitely see each other again." Michael drawls casually.
"You know I want you happy, and Luke clearly makes you very happy, but you could be matched with your soulmate literally any day. Not to mention he will as well whenever he turns 18." Calum says frustratedly.
"And you know I don't exactly want to be hooking up with a sub, but I just can't help it. He's so so perfect." Michael sighs.
"How are you even having sex? It's not like you can make a contract, so you've gotta keep it vanilla for safety reasons. Somehow you and Luke don't strike me as vanilla." Calum says incredulously.

"You're right," Michael concedes, "that we're not vanilla. But we made it work. No accessories of course but I just, wasn't particularly gentle -not to mention hyper aware of his responses. I only felt comfortable when there was enthusiastic and joyous reaction from him, which there was."
"I can't believe we're having this conversation. You're borderline insane." Calum responds flatly.
"For the record, an unofficial contract crossed our minds. If that ever happened it would be further down the track."
"Are you fucking serious?!" Calum all but yells, toning down his voice when people stare. "Number one, that means you're thinking this could be long term. Everyone thinks that's a bad idea. Number two, unofficial contracts are illegal. You could be sent to prison if anything went wrong! Need I remind you, that you're the CEO of one of the biggest tech companies in the world and if the media find out you're in a long term relationship with a 17 year old sub then you both become dog meat."
"The contract is a big maybe. I would never do it if I thought anything would go wrong. I'm horny, not stupid." Michael bites back.
"Is all of this not evidence that being horny makes you stupid?" Calum rolls his eyes.

"Speaking of sex lives and being horny," Michael changes the conversation, "can I ask how you and Ashton are in that department?"
"Nothing." Is all Calum answers.
"Nothing. We've talked about it a little but he knows the ball's in his court. When he shows interest, we'll move forward." Calum says simply.
"And so how are you doing?" Michael presses further.
"I mean, sometimes I'll do a quick wank in the shower but I feel more satisfied just being with Ashton. Don't get me wrong, I'd certainly appreciate a fuck right now, but I still think I'm generally less desperate than I was before I matched. Maybe it's because I like knowing that I'm waiting for him." Calum goes off into a blissful tangent and Michael has to refrain from mock retching.
"You're sappy as fuck." The older snorts.
"I can't wait for you to get matched, you'll understand."

Calum and Michael eventually part ways, after a longer lunch than usual, though Calum certainly needed the escape, and walk opposite directions from the restaurant back to their offices. Michael looks back at his phone for the first time in over an hour to see a stream of texts from Luke, who was stuck in school.

Luke - Michael: Miss you

Luke - Michael: When can we see each other again

Luke - Michael: School is boring

Luke - Michael: I'm clingy we know but why aren't you replying

Michael - Luke: Was at lunch with Calum, sorry baby

Luke - Michael: It's okay ❤️❤️❤️

Michael - Luke: As for when we catch up, when are you free?

"What did I miss?" Calum asks Maggie quietly when he sees Ashton waiting for him in his office.
"Not really sure. He was waiting there when I got back from lunch. Wouldn't really tell me anything." She purses her lips. Calum flicks Michael a text as he walks into his office.

Calum - Michael: Speak of the devil. I think.

A/N: oooh whats Ashton gonna sayyyyyy, you'll find out on Saturday.

A special shoutout to Tessa and Madison for sending the amount of comments on this fics through the roof, lots of love.

Thanks all as always, hope you're well :)

-Grace Williams xo

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