Chapter twenty one

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Calum is waiting outside Ashton's school by 3:21, nine minutes before the bell is set to ring. He's nervous for no reason that he can pinpoint, he just knows that he is. There's already a fair amount of students milling around outside and so Calum is on the lookout for the familiar mop of dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Ashton comes out of a building a second before the bell starts to ring and Calum notices him instantly. He would be more excited but everything about the scene in front of him looks wrong. Ashton's body is hunched, his jacket hood up despite it not raining. He's walking very directly to exactly where he knows his dom will be waiting but he doesn't look up. He doesn't want anyone seeing him, that much is clear.

Calum sees one kid try to trip him up, though it's clear the student would try and play it off as an accident if anything were to happen. By the way Ashton's eyes look absolutely petrified when he does look up for a moment, Calum assumes that this guy is Cory. Ashton, for the first time since he walked out of school, spares a quick glance towards Calum's car. Cory sees it and sneers in the direction of the car before stalking off angrily. It's takes absolutely everything inside Calum to stop him from going and beating up an eighteen year old.

As much as Calum was focused on what Cory would look like with a black eye, he forgets every bit of it when Ashton slides into the passenger seat. His eyes are full of unshed tears and his body is shaking like a leaf in the wind. Calum instantly reaches across to his sub, only wanting to hold him close right now.
"Just drive." Ashton pleads as his face starts to become stained with tears. Calum pauses a moment but doesn't pull back completely. "Please." Ashton's voice cracks.

Calum stares at the hurt in his submissive's eyes and decides to comply, reluctantly pulling away and starting the journey back to his house. He resolutely ignores everyone staring at them. Thankfully Ashton doesn't seem to see it but that's only because of the way he's curled up on the seat.

This is the first time that Calum's been so uncomfortable in Ashton's silence. Though it's not completely silent. Aside from the white noise outside, he can hear Ashton's soft cries and gentle hiccups. It breaks his heart.

Calum slowly reaches a hand out to Ashton's and gives a reassuring squeeze. He plants gentle kisses on his submissives knuckles and hopes that conveys everything he's too afraid to say right now.

That he feels responsible. That he should have stopped this sooner. That he never should have let Cory come back this week, despite what Ashton wanted. That he's ready to sacrifice everything for Ashton's happiness, health and safety. That whenever Ashton wants to talk, Calum will be there. Calum will be here. Calum will always be here.

"I want-" Ashton starts to say slowly, they had now been driving over forty minutes and weren't far from Calum's house anymore.
"Anything." Calum rushes, wanting Ashton to know that he could ask for the moon and the stars right now and Calum would find a way to get them for him.
"Can we get chocolate on the way home?"
"Of course sweets." Calum laughs fondly, completely enamoured by Ashton's simple but very Ashton like request. "How about I call Maggie and you can tell her absolutely everything you want and she'll pick it up and drop it off at home straight away?"
"Um, that sounds good." Ashton smiles softly, in fact liking the idea of not having to get out of the car and go into a supermarket right now.

"Hey, wait, are you driving? How is everything?" Maggie asks, thoroughly confused when she picks up the phone.
"Yeah we're driving, about 15-20 minutes from home. Things are... we haven't really talked yet. But Ashton wanted a few things and I said you could pick them up and drop them at mine for us."
"Of course. What can I get you Ashton?" Maggie smiles even though they can't see it, her voice soft and reassuring. She knows Ashton's probably feeling shit right now so she'll gladly try and help Calum fix it.
"Um," Ashton squeaks, caught a little off guard. His voice is still weak from the crying but Calum gives his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Can you please get me some chocolate? Dark." He says gently, hiccuping a little.
"Sure thing. Any specific flavours? Anything else you want? Cake? Lollies? Like, nachos or something? Some takeaway? A milkshake? Name it and consider it done."

"Oh... anything?" Ashton asks hopefully.
"Anything at all."
"I want some waffles. With bacon and cheese." Ashton says, smiling more than Calum had seen all afternoon.
"Easy peasy. If there's anything else you want, absolutely anything at all, just text me okay?"
"Okay." Ashton giggles.
"I'll just have some cinnamon waffles while you're at it, thanks Mags." Calum adds.
"I didn't say you could have anything." Maggie huffs, making Ashton giggle a little more. "But fine then. I'll see you both in a bit." The call ends and the rest of the car trip is still quiet but Ashton looks happier and more positive so that's enough for Calum at the moment.

"Thank you, you're an angel." Calum says when he walks into the kitchen to find Maggie plating up their waffles.
"I'm very aware of that." Is all Maggie says, making Calum laugh as Ashton follows him into the kitchen. He's been here a few times now but the house still feels so big and grand, he thinks it always will.

"Thank you Maggie." Ashton says quietly, taking his plate and sitting down at the kitchen island.
"Anytime. Has Cal given you my number yet? You can call or text me whenever you need anything." Maggie replies, noticing the tear tracks on his face but not bringing them up.
"I haven't. This could be dangerous." Calum hums as he sits next to Ashton.
"What?" Maggie scoffs, staring at Calum incredulously. "I like the idea of Ashton asking you for something and then you saying no so then I give it to him."
"You're absolutely right, you'll never say no to him." She says matter of factly, making Ashton let out a big breathy laugh that has the two dom's looking at him fondly.

A/N: Ashton's so cute :( pls I love him. Thanks for all the love from YOU it means so much to me :))

-Grace Williams xo

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