Chapter fifty seven

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The boy looked young, could easily pass as 16 or 17. His hair was blonde, his eyes a bright blue, his body tall and thin with red acrylic nails hanging from his fingers. He was wearing the skinniest black skinny jeans Michael had ever seen in his life, heeled silver boots and a cropped black t-shirt. His face was dewy and Michael wanted to kiss the pink lips on his big mouth more than he wanted to breathe. Michael, obviously still staring, nearly falls off his stool completely when the blonde finally meets his eyes.

The blonde stops in his tracks, eyes glued to Michael like if he looks away he'll collapse on the spot. The boy, clearly not restrained by his friends like Michael is, quickly starts striding towards the older man he already can't get enough of. It's apparent that any other thought has left his mind completely.

"Hi." Michael rasps out, Calum disappointingly holding his head in his hands.
"Hey." The younger giggles and Michael thinks he could listen to it on loop for the rest of his life and not get bored.
"Are you paired?" Michael asks softly, not wanting to dig this whole any deeper.
"I'm 17." He whispers back after looking around to make sure no staff were listening.
"Naughty boy." Michael tsks.
"I have a good fake and they'll never kick me out, I bring in too much business." He smirks.
"You bring in business?"  Michael raises an eyebrow.
"Every weekend I walk in the door to find someone else to fuck me."
"You slut around?" Michael asks, voice a little venomous.
"I have a healthy libido and like to remind people that the age of consent is only 16." The blue eyed boy rolls his eyes.

"And am I the dom who gets the privilege of testing that libido this evening?" Michael teases.
"Oh no. I just walked over here to tell you my life story of things I shouldn't do to and then leave without having wrapped you around my finger." He says sarcastically.
"Everyone gets wrapped around your finger do they?"
"Of course, that's how I know they won't tell on me."

None of the four of them had moved. Ashton was content in his place pressed against Calum's side and Calum's eyes were keeping a constant watch on Michael. Michael, who was still happily chatting up a submissive five years younger than him even though they both know they're playing with fire given Michael could be paired with his soulmate at any given moment.

"I never got your name." Michael hums at the blonde.
"And I never got yours, rich guy." He counters.
"You're wearing a Rolex and the rest of your outfit probably cost just as much but sure, feel free to keep acting surprised I noticed."
"Name." Michael says flatly.
"Luke we need to fuck Hemmings."
"Michael I agree Clifford."
"Needy." Luke snorts back.
"Says you." Michael teases.

"With all due respect to you Luke," Calum pipes in, unable to stay silent any longer. Michael sends Calum a warning look but Calum ignores it, he feels this needs to be said. "Michael, you should only be getting with other dominants."
"I'm not 18, what's there to worry about?" Luke challenges.
"That, exactly. Everybody knows that when you're unmatched you should only have sex with people of the same status. Age is irrelevant."
"Calum," Michael groans. "You're being a buzzkill, drink more of the trashy cocktail I bought for you."
"You know I'm only looking out for you."  Calum replies quietly, taking a sip of his screwdriver.

"Do you normally get with subs or doms?" Michael queries.
"Well, and I say this with the risk of sounding vulgar, subs really can't fuck me hard enough." Luke replies nonchalantly.
"You mean you've had subs top you? I'm surprised by that in itself." Michael concedes.
"Well it's not like I'm made to top." The younger snorts. "That being said, taking control as a bottom is something I can get behind quite comfortably."

Michael really doesn't think he's met a person he wants to be with more than Luke in his entire life. Sure, with the knowledge that everyone has a soulmate coming around it's not usually on anyone's mind -and it certainly hasn't been in Michael's- to think of anyone they come across as a potential partner. Yet there's something different about Luke. He can't put his finger on it but he knows he needs him in his life. Michael sends Calum a pleading look, a 'please for the love of god let me fuck him' sort of look. Calum shakes his head and purses his lips.

"I need to have a word with Calum. Luke, this is Calum's sub Ashton. We'll be right back." Michael grits, yanking Calum away from the two submissives before anyone can object.
"Make it quick, Ashton was already on edge." Calum warns.
"Yeah, sorry." Michael quickly apologies, feeling a little guilty about leaving an already uncomfortable Ashton with the overly confident Luke. "I just, I need him. I'm not seeking your permission, I just don't want you to think I've made the wrong decision."
"Michael, you know I want you happy. We all do. Hell, Maggie even told me to find you a lay tonight. But she specified a dom." Calum sighs. "Our biology means there's just too many emotions at stake when a dom and a sub are together, as we've seen from the last ten minutes. You could be matched with a sub literally any day now and if you're seeing Luke then you'll be hurt, Luke will be hurt and your soulmate will be hurt."

"What if we made it a one time thing?" Michael protests weakly.
"Seriously?" Calum rolls his eyes. "That's the biggest bullshit ever, you're already attached."
"I want to listen to you Cal, I really do. But I just can't. Every fibre of my being wants to be with Luke right now."
"I hate to say it, but that's probably just because you haven't had sex in two months." Calum pats Michael's shoulder in consolation and a brief silence falls between the two of them, even if the club is still obscenely loud.

"What if he's my soulmate?" Michael whispers.
"You know the odds of that are insane. It can technically be anyone on earth." Calum reminds his best friend.
"But it's more likely to be someone from Australia. And more likely to be someone from Sydney. You know that." Michael counters.
"But if soulmates meet before they're both 18, extremely rare and not supposed to happen, then they're definitely not supposed to feel any extra special connection. The universe doesn't want someone underage knowing who their soulmate is because kids make stupid decisions." Calum stands his ground and Michael let's out a defeated sigh at the end.
"I hate that I'm about to go against what is objectively the right decision. Please don't hate me."
Calum pulls his best friend in for a hug and mumbles into the collar of his shirt, "I could never."

A/N: yall smashed those comments and vote goals so fast I am SHOOK. I could do them regularly all the time I see but I don't wanna. If you wanna keep up that super active commenting I will cry happy tears everyday you mean more to me than you could ever know.

To the point though; L U K E. He is HERE. I can't wait for y'all to see how he changes things up and what he adds to the story. I'm super excited.

I know this is already quite long but, finally, today is exactly one year since I started writing this story. I thought it would be abandoned for quite a few months there and I've written 95% of it in the last since months but still; today is the day it started and look where I am now.

Wish I could hug you all individually and say thank you one by one.

-Grace Williams xo

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